Honey with propolis

Honey with propolis is not only delicious, but also very useful. The products of beekeeping since time immemorial help mankind to fight against illnesses, because these products contain active substances that are effective against bacteria and viruses, and also spur immunity to active work. Honey and propolis perfectly heal wounds, and therefore they are often used to treat ulcers.

The secret of the benefits of honey with propolis lies in their composition - bees, creating honey and propolis, fermenting particles of plants, why they, in addition to their original benefit to the body, are of great benefit.

Honey with propolis - useful properties

The benefits of honey with propolis have already been confirmed by science - if earlier their effectiveness was appreciated only by sorcerers and people who reject modern pharmaceuticals, today it is not uncommon to meet a qualified specialist who writes honey and propolis in a prescription form. The achievements of science allowed physicians to determine what substances contained in honey and propolis help the body get rid of diseases.

100 g of honey contains:

Propolis, too, is not inferior to honey in its composition - unfortunately, scientists still can not recognize all the compounds in 200 propolis, but those that are probably known, say that propolis is in some ways useful for the body, even ahead of honey .

Propolis contains:

How useful is honey with propolis?

Honey with propolis is used for angina and frequent catarrhal diseases:

It is irreplaceable honey with propolis in the complex treatment of stomach and duodenum ulcers.

The mixture of these products has an antioxidant and purifying effect on the body - with their intake, the cell membranes are purified, which allows oxygen to feed the tissues.

Also honey with propolis is used externally for disinfection and rapid wound healing.

How to prepare honey with propolis?

In the preparation of honey with propolis, concentration is important - 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% are used for treatment. To simply strengthen the immunity use a prophylactic dosage of propolis - from 0.5% to 3%.

To make 10% of the mixture will be needed:

The preparation scheme is as follows:

  1. Melt the propolis in a water bath.
  2. Add honey to propolis, slowly stirring it.
  3. The result is a liquid mixture, which must be thoroughly mixed. The less time propolis and honey will be on fire, the better, because under the influence of heat they can lose some of their useful substances.

How to take honey with propolis?

The way to treat honey with propolis depends on the disease. For example, to heal burns, this remedy is applied to the affected area, and after an hour they are washed off. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times a day.

For the treatment of internal diseases, the use of honey with propolis is carried out for a long time - from 1 month.

In acute viral or bacterial infections on the first day use a high concentration of medication - 1 tbsp. 4 times a day. In the following days, the dosage is reduced to 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

For prophylactic purposes, propolis with honey is taken 1 tbsp each. on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

For the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, propolis with honey is taken 30 minutes after eating 2 times a day.