Shortbread cookie - recipe

Kurabe is the famous and famous Eastern sweetness, a national dish of Azerbaijani cuisine. It is a cookie made from a short pastry with jam or jam in the middle. Let's find out with you how to bake a biscuit cookie.

Homemade biscuit cookies



In advance we take out from the refrigerator chicken eggs and butter, so that they cool down and get the room temperature. Then the softened oil is mixed with the sugar powder, injected whipped proteins and mix the mass until uniform. Then gradually pour in the flour and mix the dough of a homogeneous consistency. After that, we spread it into the confectionery bag and we set the dough on a slightly greased baking sheet. When all the blanks are made, take any jam or jam and spread a little at the center of each flower. Now put the baking tray with cookies in the oven and bake homemade chicken for 10-20 minutes. Finished delicacy a little cool and immediately served on the table for hot tea or fresh milk. You can also vary the taste of this dessert by adding everything you want yourself to the dough, for example, chopped nuts or decorating cookies with jam and walnuts. Before serving, sprinkle pastries at will with coconut shavings, sugar powder or other confectionery powders.

Recipe for Shortbread Cookie



Butter, soften, grind into a foamy mass and mix with ground spices, honey, lemon zest and sugar powder. Then the aromatic mass is again thoroughly mixed to make it homogeneous. Next, gently pour in warm milk, beat it lightly with a mixer and knead the dough, gradually pouring in the flour. After that, let him stand in the cold for about 15 minutes, and then roll it into a layer 1 cm thick. Now, with the help of a glass, cut out the cookies, spread it on a dry baking tray and bake in the oven at a moderate temperature of 3-5 minutes. Warm up the eastern chicken with powder or spread on every apricot jam.