Children and cats

A cat is an incredibly cute animal that gives us positive emotions, creates coziness and peace in the house. According to psychologists, cats have a beneficial effect on a person. Being in close contact with the cat, the children learn the kindness, caring for the neighbor and compassion.

If the animal appeared in your family long before the birth of the baby, then of course it is not necessary to part with the already beloved pet, the main thing is to properly organize joint living and proper care, both for the newborn and for the cat. In order to protect the communication of the child and the cat in your home, first of all, watch the health of the pet, systematically plant it, visit the veterinarian. While the child is too small and does not understand how to handle the animal, their contact should be reduced to a minimum.

However, a family without cats, in which the baby was born recently, should wait with such an acquisition, especially since there is enough trouble already. Because a cat, with all its positive qualities can become a source of danger and disease for the baby.

What is dangerous cats for children?

Cats, like all animals, can be carriers of various diseases:

  1. Rabies is one of the most dangerous diseases. It leads to complete paralysis of the central nervous system with a fatal outcome. This virus is transmitted through the saliva of the infected animal. If your child is bitten by a cat, and you are not sure that it is absolutely healthy, then within 3 days, without fail, make an antirabic vaccine. Also, for prophylaxis, you can have an annual vaccination against rabies.
  2. Toxoplasmosis is a dangerous disease caused by the simplest parasitic bacteria that colonizes the intestines of an infected cat. Through the faeces of the animal, the cysts of the parasite enter the environment. Penetrating into the human body, toxoplasma affects various organs, including the brain and nervous system. Infection with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy leads to various congenital malformations of the fetus. To prevent this disease, you must adhere to basic hygiene standards: wash your hands after walking, before eating, thoroughly rinse fruits and vegetables with cold water, roast well and boil meat products.
  3. If a stray cat scratches a child, it is likely that a dangerous infectious agent such as a Bartonella stick has got into the wound. This disease in people is called "Cat scratch disease". Symptoms of the disease: long unhealing wounds, swelling in the area of ​​scratches, high temperature and swelling of the lymph nodes. Treatment is usually done with antibiotics.
  4. Chlamydia. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. It affects the mucous membranes and causes a number of severe chronic diseases.
  5. Fleas. Not only can they drink human blood, but they can also carry various dangerous diseases.
  6. A child can get infected from a cat deprived. This fungus, falling on the human body, affects the skin and hair. Extremely difficult to treat.
  7. Allergies to the hair of cats in children - a frequent phenomenon in recent times.
  8. With this trouble is difficult to fight, and often have to give up the presence of a cat in the house.

Which cat to choose a family with a child?

Here are some recommendations for choosing a suitable cat breed for a family with a small child. The main criterion in choosing a breed is behavioral characteristics of an animal such as: lack of aggression, balance of character, sociability, adaptability to novelty, unpretentiousness. The best breeds of cats for children, endowed with these qualities, can be called Abyssinian, American short-haired, Burmese, Maine Coon, Persian and Ragdoll.