Advice for parents of preschool children

The unspoken rule of a successful education system is a single tactic from parents and teachers. It is especially important to maintain equal positions in the preschool, the fundamental period when the values ​​and behavioral norms of the child are laid.

It is also necessary to recognize and take appropriate measures in time, if the baby has problems with speech, communication with peers, with food or health. From this point of view, consultations for parents conducted in pre-school educational institutions are invaluable.

What is the purpose of consultations for parents of preschool children?

Practically all children from 3 to 7 years spend most of their time in kindergarten. It is here that the first difficulties begin to overcome, the parents of a preschooler may need to consult a specialist (speech therapist, psychologist or educator). It should be noted that consultations for parents of older and younger preschool children are strikingly different, as each age has certain problems and exciting questions.

Let's try to figure out when and in what situations the professional's help will not be superfluous:

  1. Often acquaintance with a kindergarten for some kids and their parents becomes a real test. Kids flatly refuse to part with their mother, even for the most delicious candy in the world, arrange hysterics, do not go to contact with the tutor and other children. In this case, psychological counseling for parents of intractable preschool children is extremely necessary. During the conversation, the psychologist will help mom and dad to find an approach to the child, ways to interest the baby and make the adaptation period less painful. Parents should never hesitate to contact a psychologist for advice on this issue, since for a preschooler this is a great stress and the task of adults is to help overcome the baby's first difficulties.
  2. If the indecipherable and indistinct speech of a 2-3-year-old child is considered quite normal, then older children should clearly formulate sentences, pronounce all the letters and sounds. Otherwise, to solve the already visible problems with the preschooler's speech , parents will need a speech therapist's consultation.
  3. Everyone knows that kids get used to the world around them and gradually adopt the habits of their parents. Unfortunately, not every family can boast of a healthy diet. Namely, with the basic principles of healthy nutrition, parents of preschool children are introduced to a thematic consultation, for which qualified specialists are invited. During the conversation, mothers are told about the rules of consumption and ways of cooking for the children's table.
  4. About childhood diseases in the adaptation period, and do not have to say, this problem is absolutely everything. Therefore, consultations for parents of preschool children on the issue of summer tempering and other recreational activities are as relevant as ever.
  5. Before the summer holidays, educators conduct conversations with adults on the organization of useful, and most importantly safe leisure for kids. Insect bites, water games , long trips and travel require special vigilance and attention from the parents.
  6. Special attention deserves counseling, just before the school. They help to find out if the kid is ready for school, and what problems can arise. After all, school is a serious test for kids, regardless of the level of knowledge and skills already acquired.

Today, parents can receive advice not only in kindergarten, but also in special psychological support centers. Where qualified experts will help to understand the causes of the situation and find ways to solve the problem.