Boiled onions - good and bad

Onion is a universal culture in terms of cooking possibilities: it can be cooked, fried, baked, and marinated. From it prepare seasonings, soups, casseroles, pies and much more. And although many people believe that the most useful only fresh vegetable, it's not entirely true. Because, for example, in boiled form it almost completely retains all its vitamins and most of other valuable substances. The caloric content of boiled onion is equal to the nutritional value of fresh onions and is 45 kcal per hundred grams. It can safely add to diet soups , casseroles, vegetable dishes as a delicious seasoning. But the vegetable is valuable not only for its taste. Let us consider in more detail what the boiled onion is still useful.

Benefits and harm of cooked onions

The boiled vegetable has a softer consistency and does not crunch, unlike the fresh one. And the taste is more tender and sweet, almost devoid of bitterness. It does not irritate the mucous membranes and is well absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is recommended to eat boiled onions in pancreatitis. It will not exacerbate the disease, unlike the fresh one. On the contrary, it will provide the body with a lot of useful substances. A boiled onion with gastritis in general is one of the mandatory components of therapeutic diets. Boiled onions are also widely used in the recipes of traditional medicine as a wound-healing remedy and a drug for the treatment of boils and ulcers.

In addition to the benefits and harm from boiled onions can also be. Especially if you use it in too large quantities. Boiled vegetables can trigger an attack of flatulence and diarrhea, swelling of the intestines, as well as cause discomfort in the stomach. Perhaps the manifestation of an allergic reaction to boiled onions. There is also an individual intolerance to this product, so you should be more careful, including it in your diet.