Kostyanika - useful properties

In September, in the forests begin to appear berries kostyaniki, which have family ties with the usual raspberries and strawberries. The taste of these fruits is much like exotic pineapple and pomegranate. In addition, the berry bushes have useful qualities that people could appreciate in ancient times. Therapeutic properties are not only fruits, but also leaves and shoots.

What is useful for people?

Berries are delicious not only fresh, but also for making various desserts, compotes, jams, etc. The leaves are used to make tea, which turns out to be very fragrant. The composition of berries includes vitamins, trace elements, acids, pectin substances and much more. All this causes a wide range of fruit effects. Berries can be used fresh or easily dried, and then, grind and add, for example, in porridge or other dishes.

What is useful berry berry:

  1. A rich vitamin composition allows you to recommend fruits to strengthen the protective functions of the body.
  2. Has a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. To reduce the temperature, it is enough to eat a few berries.
  3. Effectively, the fruits fight with swelling, as they have a diuretic effect.
  4. Useful properties of bones are used to normalize the work of the nervous system, so it is recommended to eat berries in stressful conditions.
  5. Juice of berries helps to improve metabolism and eliminate toxins and bad cholesterol from the body.
  6. Fruits are recommended for various diseases with gastrointestinal tract, hernia and hemorrhoids.
  7. Infusion of berries effectively copes with colds, cystitis and heart pain.
  8. Given the presence of ascorbic acid , you can recommend the fruit for beriberi and anemia.
  9. Positively affects the condition of the vessels, strengthening their walls. Berries in their raw form are an excellent prevention of hypertension and heart attack. It is recommended to include them in your menu with heart pain and a disturbed rhythm.
  10. It is part of the flavonoids that cause anti-cancer properties, so with regular consumption, you can reduce the risk of oncology. Still flavonoids reduce sensitivity to various allergens.
  11. Fruits will help with overfatigue and chronic fatigue, as a large amount of vitamin C has an invigorating effect.
  12. The combined action of ascorbic acid and flavonoids allows the use of a stone bed to rejuvenate the organism at the cellular level. These substances activate regeneration processes.

There are not only useful properties, but also contraindications, which are important to take into account not to cause harm to the body. First of all, it should be said that berries can cause a person to develop an allergic reaction, so it is important to consider the possibility of individual intolerance. It should be borne in mind that bones can raise blood pressure, so you need to carefully eat hypertensive patients. It is forbidden to eat berries with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

Useful properties and contraindications to the leaves of the osier

Leaves are used in folk medicine, preparing from them a decoction and infusion, and also using as a lotion.

How can you use the leaves of the bones:

  1. The broth effectively fights against seborrhea and skin diseases.
  2. Tincture is effective for the treatment of joints, but lotions from leaves and crushed berries will help with gout and rheumatism.
  3. With the help of a decoction you can quickly cope with the pain of migraine.
  4. If there is inflammation or redness of the eyes, then it is recommended to simply attach the leaves to them.