Vitamins for the brain

It would seem, why give much attention to the brain on the part of nutrition? To nourish the skin - it is clear what is needed for hair and nails - especially, and for women the brain is not always a priority part of the body. But still today we will try to characterize the significance of the "diet" of our brain or at least to pay attention to the importance of vitamins for the brain for children.

Autumn blues and beriberi

Have you ever thought about the "accidental" coincidence in time of the autumn "syndrome", the decline of strength, irritability, melancholy and the onset of avitaminosis. After all, after "juicy" summer days, we ourselves do not feel like eating only "grass", and the body feels a sharp drop in the intake of vitamins.

And do you know that hormones are responsible for optimism, joy, enthusiasm? Surely you know this and can even name them: noradrenaline, endorphin and serotonin. But to say how these virtuous hormones in our country actually arise, the majority are already at a loss. So, remember once and for all: for the synthesis of absolutely all hormones, as well as for the transmission of their signals to the brain and from the brain, or to other organs, vitamins directly respond.

Conclusion: without vitamins you can not see happiness. And this is already suggestive of an additional intake of vitamins for the brain.

Delicious lunch fights with misfortune

Scientists still admire how successfully eating pessimism fights. And, in fact, what's in this amazing? It has long been known that protein excites our brains, and carbohydrates - soothe. Folic acid is responsible for cheerfulness, B12 - for cheerfulness, and - for relaxation. But the main thing - all these "effects" arise in the brain.

Prevention of Alzheimer's and Autism

And Alzheimer's disease, and autism - is primarily a violation of the brain. In the first case, there comes senile dementia, cerebral atrophy, he - ssyaetsya without nutrients. The disease of autism is directly related to vitamin B12 deficiency. Scientists have already conducted dozens of studies that have proven that taking vitamins for the brain and memory will keep a clear mind for life, protect against stroke and improve memory functions.

Baby vitamins for the brain in autism are important for restoring damaged neurons, for cognitive functions and for preventing anemia.

What do vitamin complexes consist of?

All of the above, perhaps, led you to the idea that it's time to stimulate the activity of your brain with additives. Therefore, we list which vitamins are contained in the complexes for the brain: B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, A, E, P, C.

In addition, vitamin complexes often include omega-3 and 6 acids. They not only improve the work of the brain, but also protect our eyesight. The source of omega acids can also be fish oil .

But the best vitamins for the brain also contain a set of minerals and amino acids. First, they strengthen the action of vitamins, and secondly, they strengthen the immune system, contribute to the regeneration of tissues.


In short, the high goals of vitamins for the brain are more or less clear. And if to speak more simply, the speed of thinking, reaction, ingenuity, transmission of nerve impulses, movement of information from short-term to long-term memory, and the ability to extract data from long "archives" depends on brain nutrition.

Our brain is like a hard disk (for good reason this comparison is the most popular), you can not even imagine how much information can be stored in it and how much everything, fleetingly, without even realizing, we remember. All this turns the brain into a messy dump if it is not supplied with vitamins. And if we provide it with nutrients - your computer will never hang.

In the end, we apply an arbitrary list of vitamin-mineral complexes for your entire family!

List of vitamins