Crossfit for beginners

Crossfit is a high-intensity workout of a mixed type. That is, here, in one complex, you combine both cardio and strength training. However, in this sport there is no specialization - there is no such day that you are working on the same program, because the essence of the crossfit is to load your body every day from different sides.

In this variety, of course, plus and attractiveness of crossfit for beginners. However, alternating exercises, even within the shortest and innocent complexes, are necessary with the mind, otherwise instead of the "side effect" of training in the form of an amazing figure, you will get health problems and a worn out heart.

How to alternate loads in the crossfit program for beginners?

In order for training to bring both benefit and pleasure, they certainly should be adjusted to your personal schedule. There are several best examples of the crossfit program for beginners:

Now about how to alternate the load itself in training on crossfit for beginners. Any complex, preferably, should contain:

But if you do not have the opportunity to work through all of this in one training session , you can stick to the next cycle:

On the 13th day, life does not end, we continue the cycle starting from the first day.