Health food

There is no more valid diet than therapeutic weight loss. After all, when it comes to therapeutic nutrition for weight loss, it means that we are dealing not just with an extra pair or three kilograms, but with the most real obesity, a violation of eating behavior, metabolism, including lipid metabolism. In this case, at stake is not just the appearance and clothes of a smaller size, but health, and even life. With obesity, not only the appearance suffers, but also the internal organs, which are simply overgrown with fatty tissue.

Nutrition and the therapeutic diet itself should then be prescribed by the doctor, after a series of studies. Very often people choose themselves, at first glance, an impeccable diet, but they do not wait for the result - the food simply does not correspond to the needs and the current state of the body.

Choice of weight loss system

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the ideal weight of the body losing weight. For this you can use tables and nomographs. With the help of a specially designed Pokrovsky nomograph on 5 indicators - height, sex, age, profession, constitution - the ideal body weight is calculated, and accordingly, how much you need to lose weight.

Less accurate calculations can be made using a simple formula - from growth it should be taken away 100, the resulting - an approximate ideal body weight.


Caloric content of therapeutic nutrition for obesity is selected individually depending on the height, weight, occupation, sex, physical activity and, of course, the degree of obesity. Thus, the calorific value can vary from 700 to 1800 kcal, and, with obesity, the energy value of the diet can be reduced even by 50%.

The basis of dietary nutrition should be proteins. With a long stay on a diet low in protein, the cardiovascular system, the liver, and immunity in general suffer. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on reducing the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates, replacing them with slow carbohydrates. At the same time, consumption of sweeteners is allowed, although they are not the most useful products in the world.

It is necessary to exclude products that stimulate appetite. These are spices, alcohol, salt, snacks. With regard to salt, the allowable daily limit is 5 g. The amount of meals is 6 times a day.

Let's consider more in detail categories of products at medical nutrition:

Forbidden Products

Whichever method of therapeutic nutrition for weight loss has been chosen by you, or by the attending physician, there is a category of products that will necessarily be taboo:

Principles of therapeutic weight loss

The whole system of losing weight can be systematized and formulated by several theses: