10 prohibited foods for children

Gone are the days when parents, getting a scarce product, tried to feed their baby, regardless of how useful it is for a child's body. Modern moms rationally select products for their kids, taking into account not only their freshness and taste, but also whether the food is harmful to the child's organism, how much it is caloric and whether it is not hyper -ergic. Of course, each family has its own taste preferences, according to which the family food ration is built by the hostess, but the experts definitely do not recommend giving babies of early and preschool age a whole range of products.

1. Sausages

Sausages and sausages contain poorly digestible heavy fats, food colorings, flavors and flavor substitutes. Very often, the salt content in sausages considerably exceeds the norm, which is done in production with the aim of ensuring the safety of products. Nutritionists warn that when releasing a large part of sausages, sausages and sausages in the raw material includes transgenic soy and other additives that are not at all useful to the human body. If your kid loves sausages or sausages, then you should buy products that are made for baby food.

2. Carbonated sweet water

In the production of all sweet carbonated drinks, preservatives, dyes, and defoamers are used, which are harmful not only to children, but also to adults. In addition, all drinks contain an extra-high amount of sugar, causing metabolic disorders and, with regular use, contributing to the development of obesity.

3. Coffee

Both soluble and natural coffee, however, like strong tea, contains a significant amount of caffeine. Therefore, the use of these drinks in children's food causes sleep disorders, and at high doses, depletion of nerve cells. In addition, tonic drinks stimulate the release of excess pancreatic secretions and gastric juice, and also increase the burden on the heart and kidneys.

4. Fast food

All chips, croutons, fried products (whites, chebureks, cheeseburgers, etc.) contain a significant amount of fat, carcinogenic substances and harmful food additives. If you want to please a kid with a delicious treat, do not make a frying pan in the pan, do the baking yourself in the oven. But even homemade cakes should not replace useful soups, cereals, vegetables, fish and meat.

5. Mushrooms

As proved by physiologists, fungi are a product poorly digested by the human body. In the stomach of a child, they are practically not digested. It is recommended to include mushrooms in a child's diet only after 6 years.

6. Canned food

All canned and pickled dishes have in their composition vinegar, many salts, as well as spices, so these products are strictly prohibited in children's food.

7. Mayonnaise and ketchup

These products contain in significant quantities dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, various thickeners and the like. It is better for a baby to serve a salad dressed with vegetable oil or sour cream, and pasta with grated cheese or a self-prepared tomato sauce.

8. Seafood

Seafood contains a lot of protein that provides their nutritional value. But the presence of protein causes and the fact that these products are strong allergens. To introduce fish into the baby's diet should be extremely careful, carefully selecting varieties.

9. Lamb, meat of ducks and geese, fat pork

These varieties of meat are a storehouse of refractory fats that are poorly digested and have a negative impact on the children's body.

10. Ice cream

Up to 3 years, children should not even try ice cream! The fact is that this excessively fatty and sweet product, most of the children after the first test is considered to be a favorite. Therefore, so that later you do not have to be nervous, when the kid begs for a completely useless treat, it is better not to introduce his taste in early childhood.

We hope that after reading the article, you will be more attentive to what your baby is eating!