Molluscum contagiosum in children

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease manifested in children from one to ten years old. Dispatched with direct contact or through contaminated household items (toys, bedding, towels, etc.). The disease manifests itself exclusively as a rash, and often it is not detected immediately, since it does not cause any disturbance to the child.

What does a molluscum look like?

As it was said above, the only symptom of the molluscum contagiosum is the appearance of pimples (mollusks) on the skin or, in rare cases, on the mucous membrane. They are corporal or pink, have a round, swollen shape with a slight depression in the center. The size ranges from one millimeter to one and a half centimeters in diameter. The rash tends to merge, forming giant clams. Pryshchiki, as a rule, are located, localized and do not extend to the whole body. The favorite places of the virus are the neck, face, abdomen, hips and armpits. But on the soles of the hands and knots, nodules are never formed.

Contagious mollusk is very often confused with other rashes and even with warts. But these doubts are easy to dispel, try to apply pressure on the nodule if a white thick liquid with characteristic round inclusions is prominent - this is a mollusc. But in order to make an accurate diagnosis, contact a dermatologist. After all, it can be life-threatening skin lesions, it is not worth risking.

How is the molluscum contagiosum transmitted?

The cause that causes molluscum contagiosum in children is a virus that is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy child, through physical contact or toys.

How to treat molluscum contagiosum?

The incubation period of the molluscum contagiosum lasts two weeks, but sometimes it reaches one and a half months. Usually, the rash passes by itself after 2-3 months, but it also happens that the illness does not recede for a long time and periodically appears again. In this case, doctors advise to resort to the removal of molluscum contagiosum with liquid nitrogen or a laser. This procedure is not a pleasant one, therefore, if it is administered to children, then they use painkillers. After burning out in place of shellfish, a crust appears, it can not be ripped off in any case, since there is still an infection under it. The ranks should be treated with iodine or a thick solution of potassium permanganate. At this time, it is worthwhile to stop contact with other children, wait until full recovery. To avoid recurrence, carefully wash the baby's clothes and toys.

Folk remedies

Sometimes people's remedies are used to treat molluscum contagiosum. Well helps broth strings. For its preparation, take a half spoonful of collection, pour a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil. Let it brew for an hour. Treat the rash three times a day until complete recovery (7-10 days). A juice of freshly cleared celandine can help, if you treat them with nodules, they pass for a week. This method is especially good for young children.

Prevention of molluscum contagiosum

The basic preventive measure is observance of elementary norms of hygiene. Explain to the child that you can not use other people's things, especially a towel, a comb, etc. It is necessary to change the bed linen of the baby in time and to teach him to take a shower every day. Do not neglect sports, swimming and tempering. Take vitamins and follow the regimen. All this will strengthen your child's health. Homeopathy can help you in this, it perfectly strengthens the immunity, which in turn will not allow the development of molluscum contagiosum and other diseases.