Evening primrose oil

Among the natural essential substances, evening primrose oil takes a special place. This unique product is used in medicine and cosmetology to treat a long series of diseases and improve the general condition of the skin and hair. Moreover, evening primrose oil can be used either externally or taken internally.

Evening primrose oil - properties

This tool is available in two types:

  1. Cosmetic oil of primrose for external use.
  2. Evening primrose oil in capsules for oral administration.

Useful properties of cosmetic oil:

As you can see, evening primrose oil for face and body skin is really irreplaceable. This is due to the presence in its composition of a large amount of vitamin E and a variety of fatty acids, most of which is taken by linoleic acid. These ingredients also make it possible to successfully apply evening primrose oil for hair. Thanks to it you can cure many diseases of the scalp, eliminate dandruff and even stop alopecia. In addition, adding the product in question to masks and shampoos makes hair much more beautiful, gives them shine and a healthy appearance.

Evening primrose oil in capsules - application and properties:

Primrose evening primrose oil

Future mothers need more than this oil. And not only because this product helps to cope with stretch marks and improve the condition of the skin and hair. The intake of evening primrose oil in capsules has the following effects:

Evening primrose oil - contraindications

The only reason not to take and not use externally, this essential oil is the individual intolerance of its components. But, in any case, before using the product, you should consult a doctor.