Prevention of serous meningitis in children

Meningitis is a serious disease, as a result of which inflammatory processes occur in the membrane of the brain and spinal cord. The causative agents of meningitis are viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Meningitis is divided into two types:

Serous meningitis is acute, and the symptoms are usually pronounced. The peak incidence is observed in the summer. The source of meningococcal infection is always a person - a patient or a virus carrier. In order to prevent the disease you need to know how to protect yourself from serous meningitis.

Ways of infection with serous meningitis

For parents who are familiar with the seriousness of the course of the disease and the possible consequences of the disease, it is very important to ask how not to get sick with serous meningitis?

Memo for parents: measures to prevent serous meningitis

  1. For small children, bathing in open water is a particular danger, therefore, for safety reasons, it should not be allowed to swim in rivers and lakes for preschool children, especially with weakened immunity.
  2. All foods that are eaten raw, should be thoroughly washed under running water and preferably treated with boiling water.
  3. It is necessary to consume only boiled water.
  4. It is often necessary to wash your hands and carry out the necessary hygiene procedures in a timely manner.
  5. It is necessary to use individual towels, clean cutlery.
  6. Meningitis occurs in children much more often than in adults, and in preschool children with weakened immunity. Proceeding from this, an important place in the prevention of serous meningitis has measures to increase the immune protection of the child.

Increase immunity is possible with the help of hardening procedures and a reasonably organized regime of the day, providing for a fairly long daily stay in the fresh air, timely airing of premises, adequate nutrition. In addition, young children should not be taken to places where there are many people, especially during periods of unfavorable epidemiological situation.

Inoculations from serous meningitis

For the safety of the child, you can get vaccinated . But medical professionals warn that vaccines that protect against all viruses do not exist. You can get vaccinated against one or two specific viruses that provoke the appearance of serous meningitis. But it is impossible to fully protect with vaccination from the disease, especially since there is no vaccine against enterovirus infection , which is most often the cause of a serious illness.

Finally, we remind you that serous meningitis can be treated well only if you seek medical help as soon as possible. In addition, untimely treatment started threatens such long-term complications , as a reduction in visual acuity, deafness, disruptions in the work of the brain. So that the prognosis of the disease was favorable, in no case do not self-medicate - hospitalization of the child is mandatory!

Important : in order to prevent the spread of a dangerous disease, all persons who have recently been in contact with the patient are examined. If a child visits a kindergarten or goes to school, the institution establishes a quarantine for 14 days, and all rooms are disinfected.