The child's nose is stuffy

In the morning you wake up and find that yesterday's active sneezing of the child turned into a stuffy nose. What should I do if my child gets a nose? First of all, you need to identify the cause.

Viral cause

If the child has a heavily stuffy nose, the temperature rises, you can be sure that the child has an acute respiratory syndrome. When asked why the child has a stuffy nose, in this case it can be answered like this: the body began a battle with a viral infection, and you did not take care that the air in the room was sufficiently moist and cool so that the baby's mucous membrane did not dry up.

Does the child have a stuffy nose? - Do not rush to start treatment with medications. Ventilate the room, do a wet cleaning, give the child a drink of compote, tea, any other liquid at room temperature, and, possibly, the stuffiness of the nose will be replaced by a plentiful cold that is a more positive sign than the parched mucosa. Runny nose suggests that the body recognized the virus and began to fight it.

If the child has a stuffy nose, and there is no snot, it will be beneficial to use brine. You can prepare it yourself (add 0.5 tsp salt to half a liter of water) or buy it at a pharmacy (commercial names for such drugs: no salt, saline, marimer, hammer, aqualor baby).

You can wash your nose according to this pattern. Put the child on the back, turn his head to one side. Using a pipette, inject the saline solution into the nasal passage of the baby, gently wiping out the liquid with a dry cloth. After the procedure, apply a lot of moisturizing cream under the baby's nose. The saline solution dries out the skin very much, so that there is no irritation, it should be taken care of separately. It is not necessary to use an aspirator to wash the nose, since it creates a strong pressure in the cavity, which can damage the Eustachian tube that connects the ear to the nose.

The use of various sprays and nasal drops for infants is not recommended, since there is a danger that such a drug will cause an allergy to the mucosa. But in case of severe nasal congestion, when this problem prevents a child from sleeping, it is permissible to use vasoconstrictive drops (nasivin, otrivin), but they can not be used for more than two to three days, as this can lead to the opposite effect: excessive drying of the mucosa. In this case, the problem of nasal congestion will be further aggravated.

Avoid folk remedy for nasal congestion - instillation into the nose of breast milk. In doing so, you do not fight the viruses and bacteria that attack your baby, but, on the contrary, create the most favorable breeding environment for them. Similarly, various oil droplets in the nose, hindering the normal functioning of cilia on the nasal mucosa, act. Cilia should push out the virus, but, blocked by the action of the oil preparation, they can not cope with their task.

Allergic cause

But if the child has a stuffy nose constantly, it is not accompanied by an increase in temperature and other catarrhal phenomena, most likely, the cause of the disease is not viral, but allergic, so treatment should consist of taking antihistamines. In addition, in this case, you must carefully avoid allergens.

If the child lays his nose at night, try replacing his feather pillow, clearing the room of dust, taking out the plants from the room. All these factors can be the reason that the infant has a stuffy nose, if he suffers from allergic diseases.

If you have taken all measures, but, despite this, the child's nose is laid, and this process has been going on for a long time, sign up for an appointment with a specialist.