Groups of health in children

The state of children's health is an important indicator not only of the present, but also of the future well-being of society and the state. Therefore, for the necessary timely correction of any deviations in the health of the child and for carrying out preventive examinations in the proper way, children of early and preschool age are usually referred to certain groups of health.

Distribution of children by health groups

Health groups are a specific scale that assesses a child's health and development, taking into account all possible risk factors, with a prognosis for the future. The health team of each child is determined by the district pediatrician, based on the basic criteria:

Health groups in children and adolescents

Based on the results of the medical examination and based on all the above criteria, children are divided into five groups.

1 group of children's health

It includes children who do not deviate by all criteria of health assessment, with normal mental and physical development, which are rarely sick and at the time of the examination are perfectly healthy. Also, this group includes children who have single birth defects, which do not require correction and do not affect the overall health of the child.

2 group of children's health

This group consists of healthy children, but having a small risk of developing chronic diseases. Among the second group of health, there are 2 subgroups of children:

  1. Subgroup "A" includes healthy children who have severe heredity, during pregnancy or during labor there have been any complications;
  2. Subgroup "B" includes children who often get sick (more than 4 times a year), have some functional abnormalities with a possible risk of developing chronic diseases.

Among the abnormalities of this group are: multiple pregnancy , prematurity or endurance, intrauterine infection, low or excessive birth weight, 1-st incontinence, rickets, constitutional abnormalities, frequent acute illnesses, etc.

3 group of children's health

This group includes children with chronic diseases or congenital pathology with a rare manifestation of mild exacerbation, which does not affect the general well-being and behavior of the child. Such diseases are: chronic gastritis, chronic bronchitis, anemia, pyelonephritis, flat feet, stammering, adenoids, obesity, etc.

4 group of children's health

This group unites children with chronic diseases and congenital pathology, which after the stage of exacerbation lead to long-term disturbances in the well-being and overall health of the child. These diseases include: epilepsy, thyrotoxicosis, hypertension, progressive scoliosis.

5 group of children's health

This group consists of children with chronic diseases or severe malformations with significantly reduced functionality. These are children who do not walk, have a disability, oncological diseases or other severe conditions.

The health group is an indicator that can change in children with age, but, unfortunately, usually only in the direction of deterioration.