Urticaria in children

How do you want to give our children all the best, isolate them from their experiences, illnesses and troubles. Unfortunately, in recent years, the ecological situation in the country is getting worse, and all our children are diagnosed with allergic diseases. According to statistics, they occupy the third place after heart diseases and oncology. One of these varieties of allergies is urticaria in children. Most often it occurs in children from six months to 2-3 years.

Symptoms of urticaria in children

Vigilant parents generally have no difficulty in detecting this disease. How does urticaria look like in children, I think, many people know: this is not a "nettle burn", but reddish blisters and blisters that can merge into a single string when combed. Urticaria, which ranks second among the known children's allergic reactions, identifies itself with the following symptoms in children:

In acute urticaria, children can get fever, mucous, like skin, are covered with rashes, and suffocating cough often appears, and the complication of this form of the disease is Quincke's edema.

First aid and treatment for hives

With the rapid development of the disease, the immediate reaction of the parents is very important. If your baby has swelling, difficulty breathing, fast heartbeat, you should immediately call an ambulance. Urgent participation of a doctor will be required if the child has diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and rashes do not go away within a week. Before the arrival of specialists try to calm the baby, normalize his breathing, and, if possible, provide the child with fresh air.

Before asking the question: how to treat hives in children, you need to determine the cause of an unpleasant sore. Allergic reaction in a baby can cause anything: household chemicals, medicines, food, pollen of plants, animal hair and much more. To reveal the true culprit of the disease is very difficult, therefore it is extremely important to conduct a full examination of the child, and at this time to exclude from the baby's ration all allergic products, if possible to protect from contact with animals, to do a wet cleaning of the house every day. In general, doctors prescribe a standard course of treatment: antihistamines, probiotics, calcium, various ointments, but, note that if you do not eliminate the root cause of the disease, such actions can lead to the development of chronic urticaria in children.

Diet and limitations

Do not neglect and advice of doctors about dieting with urticaria in children. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, allergic products from the baby's daytime diet should be eliminated: honey, nuts, seafood, milk, citrus fruits, smoked products, eggs, red fruits, grapes, foods containing food additives. Eat your baby can safely porridge and vegetable soups on the water, low-fat boiled meat, sour-milk products, green vegetables, crackers. If urticaria is found in an infant, then in his case a hypoallergenic mixture is selected, and all new products are excluded from complementary foods. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother should be put on a diet. And be sure to monitor the reaction of your crumbs to this or that product, drink a lot more baby.

Among the many types of allergic urticaria in children, the cold form of this disease is often isolated. Most often it is manifested in winter, cold autumn or spring, due to a sharp cooling of the body. In the summer it can provoke a cold drink and ice cream.

Parents also want to advise to be patient and tune in for a long treatment of an unpleasant sore. Remember that by finding and eliminating the cause, you will be able to avoid chronic urticaria in children, which is already important. And most importantly - this disease is curable, which means your baby will be healthy!