Recently, a lot of drugs have been produced, manifesting an early recovery. However, parents are wary of the means they have not yet tested, especially in the treatment of children. And this is quite understandable, because it is unlikely that anyone will want to put experiments on a native child. However, many drugs that are used for more than one year do not always give the expected result, that is, recovery. And the parents have to turn to new medicines, though not without consulting a pediatrician. When a child has a sore throat, a bioparox is often prescribed. But what is its composition, and can bioparox be given to children? This is often worried about moms.
Bioparox is a drug for the upper respiratory tract
Bioparoksom called antibiotic topical application with an active agent - fusafungin. It is thanks to him that the drug has a so-called bacteriostatic effect, which means that the vital activity of microorganisms, to it sensitive, is suspended. The smallest particles of the drug penetrate the mucosa of the respiratory tract, settle, and then begin to act. In this case, the drug is not absorbed into the blood, but is withdrawn with the secret of the respiratory tract. Thanks to this bioparox it is possible for children, however, it should be used at the age of over 2.5 years, since there is a danger of laryngospasm development. This is called spasm of the glottis, which prevents oxygen from entering the lungs. For the same reason, treatment with bioparox for children under one year is strictly prohibited. Also, the individual intolerance of the components of the drug is one of the contraindications available to bioparox, which manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions (rash, swelling, redness of the eyes). Therefore, after first use, you should observe the baby for 3-4 hours.
Bioparox is widely used in the fight against such pathogens as Candida fungi, staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas and other microorganisms that affect the larynx, oral cavity, bronchi, and nasopharynx. In addition, bioparox has an anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly removes swelling of the mucous membranes.
Thus, for bioparox, indications for use are diseases of the ENT organs, upper respiratory tract caused by bacteria and fungi, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc.
How to use bioparox?
The convenience of this drug is that it is available in the form of an aerosol. Two attachments are attached to it - for inhalation of the oral cavity and separately for the nasopharynx.
Bioparox in angina in children is combined with systemic antibiotics. Need to inject the drug through the mouth 4 times a day every 6 hours. To do this, the nozzle on the can is injected into the oral cavity, the child must be tightly clamped with her lips. On deep inspiration, press the nozzle all the way. Similarly, with pharyngitis and laryngitis.
Before you inject the bioparox into the children's nostrils, the nostrils must be cleaned of mucus. Then one nasal input is necessary
With bronchitis and tracheitis, the patient should clear his throat, inhale deeply the aerosol and hold his breath for 2-3 seconds. After each use, the nozzle should be disinfected with alcohol.
The duration of treatment with this drug should not exceed 7-10 days.
Possible occurrence of such side effects as dryness in the nasopharynx, mild cough, unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea. If an allergy occurs, the drug should be discarded.