When do the first teeth appear?

The eruption of the first teeth is an exciting and touching event that can proceed as perfectly calm without causing discomfort to the baby, but can also bring some temporary problems. Sometimes the first teeth appear when this is not expected, and sometimes the long-awaited event is delayed, causing anxiety in the parents. In how many months do the first teeth come up, and how does this happen, let's talk further.

When the first teeth erupt?

The timing of the eruption of the first teeth in all children is different and depends on genetics, baby nutrition, calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and even climatic conditions. So do not worry that the "book standards" have passed, and the first tooth has not yet appeared. Most often, the first teeth erupt at the age of about 6 months, but some children may appear in 4 months, and in others - in a year. It is noticed that in boys, as a rule, teeth erupt later than in girls.

If the baby is more than a year old, and the teeth have not yet begun to erupt, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician or a dentist. Perhaps, he simply lacks vitamins and minerals, but there may be a more serious reason - adentia (the absence of teeth rudiments).

Which tooth comes out first?

Individually, and what kind of teeth a child appears first (contrary to the widespread opposite opinion of a strict sequence of teething in children ). Everything depends on the characteristics of the body and heredity. Most often, the teeth come out in this order: the first incisors (often the lower ones), the second (lateral) incisors, the first large molars, the fangs and the second large molars. A three-year-old child should have a full row of 20 teeth that do not drop out until about 6 years old when permanent teeth are ready for eruption.

It is believed that the later the first tooth appeared, the later will begin to fall out of the milk teeth. The first milk teeth can be cut either one by one or "massively" (sometimes up to four at a time). They make their way through the gums at the wrong angle, some can grow at first inclined, gradually straightening. The norm is the presence of gaps between the teeth and does not affect the permanent teeth.

Signs of the first teeth

Sometimes it is difficult enough to understand whether the eruption process has begun, since the symptoms of the first teeth and the reactions of the child's organism to such stress are also different.

As a rule, during this period, the children are salivating, the mouth is constantly filled with saliva, which, flowing out, with constant wiping can cause irritation around the lips.

Find out if the first tooth erupts, you can by looking at how the baby's gums look. Before the appearance of the teeth, the gums will swell, which can be felt by running a finger along their front edge. The presence of tubercles means a quick "new thing". The gums can turn red, and you can see a white spot on them - a piercing tooth. At this time, the baby always wants to nibble something to moderate the sensation of itching.

When the sharp edge of the tooth overcomes the sensitive gum tissue, the child may feel pain, so it is possible sleep disturbance, anxiety, poor appetite, capriciousness.

Quite often, when teeth are teething, the baby starts a runny nose with a light, copious discharge from the nose, which is associated with an increase in the secretion of glands. Due to the mucus accumulating in the nasopharynx, a wet cough may appear, especially in the morning. It is also possible to raise the temperature on the teeth in children to (38, 5 ° C) and watery diarrhea.

It is important not to confuse the eruption of teeth with any disease, therefore, in the event of alarming symptoms, even experienced parents will not be prevented from contacting the pediatrician.