How to take Senada?

Tablets Senadé is a medicinal product that is made on the basis of natural plant material. It refers to a group of drugs that quickly have a laxative effect due to increased intestinal peristalsis. It is used to treat a variety of diseases, but in order to achieve a positive therapeutic effect, you need to know how to properly take Senada.

How to take Senadé tablets?

Do you have constipation due to hypotension? He suffers from a stool disorder caused by ignoring the urge to defecate? You need to start taking the laxative Senada as soon as possible. Tablets are ingested, usually only once a day. It is best to do this late at night before going to bed.

Before taking Senada, you do not need to eat and drink for about half an hour. And after taking the pill, you need to drink at least 100 ml of water or any non-alcoholic drink. If you decide to use the drug yourself in the treatment of functional or pathological constipation, you should limit yourself to a short therapeutic course, that is, drink it for no more than 5 consecutive days. Most often, during this time, there is a complete normalization of the stool. On the appointment of a doctor, a longer application is possible.

Do not use this medication only if the patient has:

Both adults and children over 12 years of age should take Senadé tablets with constipation, observing the dosage. It depends on the initial level of activity of intestinal peristalsis. One Senadé tablet is the minimum initial dosage. It is with her that the use of this drug should begin. This dose of Senada is used in the treatment of constipation for three days. Did not an easy bowel movement occur? It is necessary to increase the dosage and take one and a half tablets once a day. If you have serious problems with the intestines, you can increase the dose to 3 tablets per day. If the patient, after he started taking the medicine Senadé on 3 tablets, does not feel relief within three days, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

How long does Senadha operate?

Typically, Senadé tablets cause defecation about 10 hours after ingestion. This is the time that is necessary for this drug to activate receptors and enhance peristalsis (reflex). This will allow to move the intestinal contents to the ampoule, which is located in the rectum, and also causes soft urge to defecate.

If the patient decides to take Senada in tablets and wants them to start acting as quickly as possible, you can drink them with plain water and 2-3 glasses of slightly salted water. In this case, the emptying of the intestine will occur approximately 6-8 hours after ingestion.

Side effects and interaction with other drugs

After the patient starts taking Senada with constipation, he may experience side effects:

With prolonged use of high doses of the drug may appear seizures or vascular collapse.

Senada can be taken as often as required, but it can not be used to treat constipation along with antiarrhythmic drugs, as this can trigger the excretion of large amounts of potassium. Receiving these tablets is not recommended for patients who are prescribed medications that have a prolonged effect, as they reduce their effectiveness.