Milgamma - injections

Vitamins of group B are an important link in the normal functioning of nerve fibers, processes of hematopoiesis and the work of the musculoskeletal system. To fill their deficiency, Milgamma injections are used in the body - injections of the solution can quickly get rid of painful sensations, since intramuscular administration of the drug ensures that the necessary therapeutic concentrations of vitamins in the blood are reached within 15 minutes after the procedure.

Indications for the use of injections Milgramamy

The medicament used is prescribed for the therapy of various syndromes and diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system:

It is important to note that the injections of Milgramam drugs are used only in conjunction with other, more potent drugs. This vitamin solution is used solely as a supportive measure to improve blood microcirculation, intensify hemopoiesis processes, stabilize functions and conductive abilities of the nervous system.

Sometimes the medication presented is prescribed as a general restorative in case of deficiency of vitamins B1, B6 and B12.

Is it true that the injections of Milgramma are better than tablets or capsules?

In fact, the solution and oral form of this drug do not differ in composition and mode of action.

Injections are preferred in severe pain syndrome, because by injecting the drug deep into the muscle, an accelerated effect can be achieved. According to pharmacological studies, the therapeutic concentration of thiamine, cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine reaches a maximum about 15 minutes after the injection. If you take the pill, you will have to wait for her to work for more than half an hour. In addition, maintenance treatment is carried out by the 1st injection every 2-3 days, whereas the capsules need to be taken daily.

Thus, it can not be said that a solution for parenteral administration is better than tablets, it just acts faster, and this is important for severe pain.

How correctly to do a shot of Milgamma?

In severe pain syndrome, the drug is prescribed for 5-10 days (according to the recommendations of a neuropathologist) 2 ml every 24 hours. After the acute inflammatory process subsides and the intensity of pain decreases, you must either switch to the oral form of the drug (Milgamma Compositum), or continue to do the injections, but less often, 2-3 times a week.

It is worth noting that Milgamma is a painful injection, so there are a few special rules for the procedure:

  1. Do not use the thinnest needle. The solution has an oily consistency, which can make it difficult to perform the injection.
  2. Insert the needle as deep as possible into the muscle. This reduces the risk of falling into the nerve bundles and blood vessels. Accordingly, the needle needs to choose not only the average diameter, but also the longest.
  3. Press the syringe piston slowly and smoothly. The total duration of the injection should be at least 1.5 minutes. So the soreness of the injection will decrease significantly.
  4. After the procedure, make a light massage at the injection site. This will ensure an accelerated distribution of the solution in the muscle tissue, reduce the likelihood of a hematoma.
  5. When cones appear in the area of ​​the injection, make warming compresses or lotions with magnesium.