Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck - symptoms

Lymphonoduses are important defenders of our body from infections. They decide which bacteria and viruses to let into the body, and which are not. They also serve as gates in the opposite direction. Probably everyone knows where the main groups of lymph nodes are located: on the neck, in the armpits, in the groin. In fact, there are many more.

Inflammation of lymph nodes - what is it?

Surely, many have such memories from childhood: mother probes her head with her lips and her fingers examines her neck. Of course, she thus tried to determine if her child was ill. After all, the hot head and enlarged lymph nodes are the first signs of a cold.

In normal condition, the size of the lymph node should not exceed 1 cm, it is easily palpable and does not cause painful sensations. With an increase in lymph nodes cease to be elastic, they cause pain, provoke swelling. The causes can be infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer. The fact is that with normal operation of the lymph node, it delays pathogenic microorganisms. But in some cases, white blood cells - the main inhabitants of lymph, do not cope with their task, and the number of harmful foreign elements instantly begins to grow. But even lymphocytes do not immediately "lower their hands", they try, their number also increases and the lymph nodes, respectively, become larger.

The cause of inflamed lymph nodes in the neck

If swollen lymph nodes on the neck, it means that they increased the number of white blood cells, indicating that the infection in the nearest organs. A solid lymph node on the neck may indicate that you have tonsillitis , colds, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rubella, some ear disease, etc. That is, this body is able to signal, and we, in turn, should correctly assess this signal and in time to consult a doctor. For example, if the lymph node on the right side hurts, then most likely it works more actively than others. This indicates that the disease is already taking place, or has already passed. After a while, the lymph node will again assume its usual dimensions.

Isolate local and generalized inflammation. If only one group of lymph nodes is affected, then this is a local lesion, if you are concerned about lymph nodes that are not related to each other - this is a sign of generalized inflammation.


The enlargement of the lymph nodes may be indicative of the onset of simple diseases, such as, for example, the common cold , and serious ones, such as oncology.

One of the terrible oncological diseases is cancer of the lymph nodes on the neck, the symptoms of which are inflamed under the chin nodes, as well as high fever and weakness. To determine the presence or absence of cancer cells, the patient takes a biopsy of the lymph node on the neck. But this procedure can also be carried out to confirm or deny other diagnoses.

How to check the lymph nodes on the neck?

First of all, you need to find the lymph nodes with your fingers and feel them. You can do this yourself before going to the doctor. If you have inflamed lymph nodes, then you will feel that they are enlarged in size. In addition, palpation will cause painful sensations. Also, inflammation of the lymph nodes, most often, is accompanied by fever, headache, chills and other unpleasant catarrhal symptoms.

If to all else, in the area of ​​finding the lymph node there is a strong pain and redness appears, then perhaps a purulent process has begun and this is a reason to hurry to seek urgent medical help. The doctor will determine the cause of the inflammation and will prescribe the appropriate treatment.