Means for herpes on the lip

Herpes on the lips is a common problem. Even absolutely healthy people can clash with it. Nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to start treatment on time. the assortment of herpes remedies on the lips is quite large. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose the necessary medicine. If the disease manifests itself in you often, it is desirable to store the appropriate medication in the medicine cabinet constantly.

When you need funds from herpes on the lips?

Viruses that cause unpleasant symptoms live in the body of every person. It does not give them a strong immune system. But as soon as favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms are created, they immediately begin to multiply actively. As a result - hateful itchy and discomfort-giving pimples on the lips.

The best remedies for herpes on the lips

In order to diagnose an ailment, in principle, even a doctor does not have to be treated. Especially if one day he had to deal with it already. Help to cope with the cold will help such medications:

  1. Famciclovir is usually taken internally. This is an effective remedy, which after a couple of days clears all visible symptoms of the disease, and after five to six days completely neutralizes the virus.
  2. An effective remedy for herpes on the lips of Acyclovir . After penetration into the body, its active substances become part of the DNA of the pathogenic cells and do not allow them to multiply.
  3. Sometimes experts resort to the help of antiseptic Miramistin . Lubricate them the wound you need as often as possible.
  4. The most effective remedy for herpes on the lips in the initial stages is the newest Allomedin . This drug has a powerful antiviral effect.
  5. Valaciclovir also proved to be a good candidate . The drug dissolves immediately after penetration into the body. It acts similar to Acyclovir and, in fact, is its chemical precursor.
  6. Doconazole is a remedy for herpes on the lips, which also acts more effectively in the early stages of infection. You need to eat it up to five times a day. The optimal course of treatment varies from five days to a week.
  7. Antiviral ointment Bonafton is another good remedy for herpes on the lips. Apply it directly to the wound for ten minutes four times a day. She will relieve the pain and contribute to an early healing.