
Agree that sometimes frankness, coming in large numbers from a certain person, always positively affects both your health and your relationship with this person. Sometimes it happens that you, without noticing it, turn the soul inside out, feeling yourself depressed after that, because the interlocutor did not receive the expected reaction.

Let's try to figure out what kind of psychology conceals in oneself frankness, truthfulness, credulity and whether it is worth always being a sincere person.

Pros and cons of frankness

Frankness, truthfulness is the willingness of a person to reveal himself to a person, to tell the information that is hidden from the majority. In many ways, frankness can be painful, since it is natural for a person to hide difficult, painful memories, moments of life, etc., for him to distant corners of the soul.

In many cases, when a person flaunts something intimate, his secret side, to others, he may not be understood. He feels devastated. Such a person risks being ridiculed, rejected, which will further worsen the existing relationship with the interlocutor. The latter, unable to enter your position, to understand what is painful for you, with the words "Thank you for frankness", at best will unfold and go away, at worst - express your dislike directly to your eyes.

It is worth noting that, before trying to tell something very personal to others, many times consider your decision, whether it is worth it, because each person has his own life position, his principles and priorities, and the more the interlocutor is distant from you in his views on life, the more difficult it will be for him to accept your frankness.

There is an online community of psychotherapists, entitled "About psychotherapy with maximum candor". Here, experts tell about a person's inclination to be sincere, etc. So, it is noted that sometimes frankness can be used by a person for selfish purposes, as manipulation.

Frank stories help to manipulate naive people who can easily believe in epithets embellished with stories. The main goal of such self-interested interlocutors is to provoke the necessary actions on the part of the "victim". Often, a naive person begins to do exactly what the interlocutor is telling her.

Also, truthfulness in expressing a relationship to a particular person or to some phenomenon may be a way of management. In general, the reaction of the "victim" is that it reacts emotionally to sincerity, and your counterpart, in turn, has an excellent opportunity to crush your emotions.

Frankness is the best way to bring out one's interlocutor to the necessary conversation. For example, you sincerely tell about unhappy love. And you, in response, sometimes without noticing it, share misadventures and after that you will learn from the interlocutor the stories that you have not heard about before and their main hero is yourself.

With the help of openness, some individuals tend to hide their negative side, showing their talents, their "I" from the best side.

From a psychological point of view, a person who sincerely tells something, tries, therefore, to control the relationship with you, pulling you into a conversation that is beneficial to him.

People who really share with you the most intimate without any selfish goals, according to E. Hagen, are called innovative personalities. Their frankness and tolerance characterize the approving attitude towards others, their desire for innovation and originality.

So, frankness can be both positive and negative quality. It all depends on who you are trying to show it to.