11 insane anatomical features of our body

The human body is unique and has not been fully understood. Some facts will amaze you and maybe even shock you. Well, are you ready? Then we went to the world of amazing human anatomy!

1. Your language

What do you think, what does your language have in common, the tentacles of an octopus and the body of an elephant? All three are a striking example of a unique structure called the "muscular hydrostat." Scientific language is explained by the fact that in the muscular hydrostat the various muscles are located in the orthogonal planes and have antagonistic effects on each other. If we simplify this explanation, we get the following: muscles can be intertwined in such a way that they create a flexible matrix. They are so, let's say, self-sufficient, that they can work without the help of a skeleton. Muscles are incredibly hardy and, know that your tongue will never get tired. He is not only very strong, but also flexible. By the way, sorry for such a comparison, but if a person's language was the size of an adult elephant, then he could uproot the trees.

2. Your hyoid bone

The work of this component of the human body does not depend on the work of the remaining parts of the skeleton. It is also called a lingual bone and is located under the muscle of the tongue. It is attached to the pharyngeal part and some muscles of the neck. It sounds awful, but it's worth knowing to everyone that damage to the hyoid bone can lead to death ... But the joyful news is that it's very, very hard to break it.

3. Your lip groove

Few people know what a tray groove or filter is for. By the way, the most common version of his appearance is this: before birth we all remember the creation of the world, Paradise, but before going to earth, the angels erase these memories, leaving an unusual sign over the lip. If you still leave behind myths and legends, the labial groove is the place of connection of a person's face in the process of developing his embryo in 2-3 months of a woman's pregnancy. "Hare's lip" is the result of an undeveloped filter. This phenomenon of 750 babies occurs only in one. It is interesting that the ancient Romans considered this gutter to be incredibly sexy and called it "Cupid's Bow". And from the Greek word filter is translated as "love potion".

4. Your hair

Something, and these facts people love to listen to. By the way, there is an opinion that after the death of a man his head of hear continues to grow. True, it is scientifically proven that neither hair nor nails after death die. But the skin as a result of dehydration, let's say, is smoothed, which creates the feeling that the hair is longer.

In truth, hair is a strange combination of life and death. A living hair follicle causes curls to grow. The latter consist of different types of dead, but still protective, cells - keratin, the very one that is contained in the inanimate layer of the skin (we clean it during scrubbing) and nails. If your hair has a gray tinge, then the pigment cells refuse to go to work.

5. Your nails

Have you ever noticed that the toenails grow much slower than those on your hands? This is due to the so-called evolutionary relationship between the length of your "terminal phalanges" (the very last bones on the fingers and the tips on which the nails are attached), and the speed of growth of the nails themselves. In total, the toes of the toes are actually shorter than the tips of your fingers. That's why on your feet you cut your legs less often than on your hands. By the way, the nail on the middle finger will grow faster than the nail on the little finger. Science explains this phenomenon by the fact that this is due to the evolutionary reason that a person no longer needs claws.

6. Your Bioluminescence

We can see how the jellyfish and plankton shine. But do people know how to shine? Believe, can. Such an interesting glow is a product of the metabolic process and scientists have long had to be convinced of this in practice. It was in 2009, after a team of Japanese researchers developed a special camera, which is 1000 times more sensitive than the human eye, that science managed to capture this phenomenon. The brightest glow is observed after dinner, towards evening, in the area of ​​cheeks, forehead and neck. So, next time, when someone says that you are shining with happiness, maybe you are emitting light in the truest sense of the word.

7. Your Walking Proteins

Protein kinesin is the most "motor". Its task is the delivery of important molecules to certain cellular centers. The most noteworthy is the way he moves: he "walks" through his own micro-path, at the base of which there are two structures called "legs."

8. Your Sonic Hedgehog

What can be more complex than cell biology? To be more exact, the cellular biology of our complex brain. In 1993, scientists in the hippocampus discovered a protein capable of developing various neuronal features. Studies on fruit flies have shown that this protein causes the growth of outgrowths in the form of spines on the back. That is why the scientists gave him the name "Sonic" (in honor of the "prickly" character of the game "Sega Genesis"). Also, such proteins are called a desert or Indian hedgehog. Now, do not you agree that scientists have an excellent sense of humor?

9. Your liver

This body gets the most if you do not watch your diet, lead an incorrect lifestyle. Fortunately for you, the liver is the most stable of all the organ. It can recover if only 25% of its tissue functions. So take care of it and, first of all, give preference to freshly squeezed juice, and not a glass of wine.

10. Your vomeronasal organ

There are vital organs and those that are needed exclusively for driving. You must have heard of such useless parts of the body as the coccyx, the appendix, and the little finger, which, poor thing, always tries to hit against the leg of the bed. But, it is unlikely that you know about the vomeronasal organ located in the nasal cavity in the form of a small depression, a pit. Once he took part in the formation of sexual behavior and somehow was associated with the emotional sphere of man. Now, as it turned out, it is not particularly important. Moreover, there are no neural connections between him and the brain. To date, between scientists are disputes, why do you need this body with a non-pronounced name. It is known only that it reacts to pheromones and many other fragrant substances.

11. Your Sexuality

Since they touched on the topic of pheromones ...

In men and women, "there" is more in common than it may seem at first glance. Thus, during the period of intrauterine development, the genital organs do not appear until the fetus is 5 months old. Do not believe it, but each of us has genitals, similar to the organs of a partner. So, the penis is an enlarged version of the female clitoris. But the prostate gland is less useful, if you understand what is at stake, the sexual organ in comparison with the female vagina. By the way, he is her copy.