Psychology of relations between men and women

The most demanded topic among psychology in general, is the psychology of relations between men and women. And it's easy to explain: because there is a mood to learn about high matters, when you can not establish relationships with your loved one. Moreover, relations with the opposite sex are almost the best soil for personal development. It is in this relationship that each partner reveals its strengths and weaknesses.

Psychology of men and women

Before you plunge into the world of relationships of such different personalities, but which complement each other. It is worth a little peek into the nature of everyone, learn about the features of perception, etc. After all, sometimes we make hasty conclusions without even recognizing the motivation of the actions of our partner.

  1. Perception. So, a man is able to perceive the world through what he sees, and to a woman, in turn, through what he has heard. But the speed of mental mobility the latter do not give way to men. For example, ladies read faster and are able to describe in detail the reading.
  2. Intuition. The feminine principle is peculiar to concentrate on small things, and the male one - to cover the situation as a whole. From this comes the fact that ladies are more observant than their partners. In most cases, women's intuition never fails.
  3. Temperament. It is important to note that the brain of a man and a woman is designed in such a way that for the first, there is a manifestation of willful reactions, impatience, energy. This is due to the prevalence of temperament choleric. And about a woman in this situation, we can say that she has the features of a melancholic and sanguine character. They are more mobile, their mood can change almost every second. It manifests aggression, as a rule, when it is unhappy.
  4. Emotionality. Everyone knows the fact that women are able to "finish off" the partner with their emotionality. But, in turn, a subtle maiden nature is inherently painful to respond to conflict situations and troubles. Men are not so emotional, on their face, sometimes, it is difficult to determine what they feel at the moment.
  5. Tenderness. Communication between a man and a woman is not always easy, especially if one of the partners has offended each other. So, men forgive and forget grievances, and women, like cats, forgive, but do not forget.

Compatibility of a man and a woman

The family happiness of lovers depends, first of all, on the compatibility of their psychotypes. Correct combination of these is the key to a successful married life. But it is also important to remember that the personal development of a man and a woman in a couple will be difficult if their psychotypes do not complement each other.

Distinguish the following female psychotypes:

  1. A woman is a mother. Such a person is always prone to take care of everything.
  2. Activist. Basically, these personalities live in pleasure. They are strong and self-confident.
  3. Altruists. In the first place for such loving women is their spouse. He is for her an object of admiration.
  4. Daughter. These people live mostly in their own interests, in pink dreams. They always need care and guardianship.

And for men, the following psychotypes are characteristic:

  1. Father. He always has everything under control. He can not imagine that in his life someone did not obey him. Not ready to compromise. It is difficult for them to admit their mistake.
  2. An activist adores the risk. He knows what he wants. In everything is always ready to seek benefits. It's just that he will never do anything.
  3. Altruist. Just as for a woman altruist, for him the family is in the first place. Based on this, it becomes clear what exactly he will choose among career and family life.
  4. A son. Same eternal child, like daughter. He is self-centered and egotistical.

It will not be superfluous for anyone to learn the nature of his partner. After all, knowing the psychology of your loved one, it is easier to understand the reason for his actions.