Leave in English

Filer à l'anglaise - this is how the phrase "Leave in English" sounds in the original. But, oddly enough, this phrase is in French, not English. The fact is that the phrase "leave in English" belongs to the French.

The appearance of this expression is due to the French prisoners of war who, during the Seven Years' War, left the location of the unit on their own. And then the British had a sarcastic expression: "To take French leave" (to leave in French). In turn, the French, in retaliation to the English turned this expression, and it became such a "Filer à l'anglaise" (in English it sounds: "To take English leave"), it means "Leaving in English."

What does it mean to leave in English?

To leave in English means to leave without saying goodbye. In the eighteenth century, they called those who did not say goodbye to their masters and left the ball. On this occasion, there are two versions:

  1. One is related to the difference in the etiquette of the French and English. It is believed that leaving the dinner party, the British did not take to say goodbye to the hosts.
  2. The other is that in France there was such a tradition.

However, the British attributed this bad habit to the French, and those in turn to the Germans.

Love leaves silently in English

Serious relationship is responsibility. Not all people can enter into or maintain these relations. Often people do not stand up and leave in English from serious problems.

Unfortunately, it happens, and so, loved, lived together, helped, and suddenly one day a beloved did not come home. And as it turned out, he was ill with you for a long time, and he just left, without saying good-bye in English.

Their disappearance of a man is often explained by the fact that this is the only way to preserve opportunities for return. And if all the same men come back , then, as a rule, girls forgive their loved ones all. Well, if they disappear, do not despair. Of course, it should be to know if he is well, whether he is alive or well. If everything is all right with him, but he ignores you, then forget him and do not wait.

So, why do men leave in English? Yes, because it's just hard for men, looking into your eyes, to say that the relationship has come to an end . They are easier to say: "Tomorrow I'll call" and leave than: "Farewell, we part." This saves them from finding out the relationship, as well as your hysterics, tears and reproaches. It's easier for a man to leave without explaining anything than listening to all this.

Unfortunately not all relationships end in marriage. There are partings and heavy experiences.