Review of the book "A Warm Cup on a Cold Day - How Physical Sensations Affect Our Solutions," Talma Lobel

Speaking of psychology, people often share the notion of physical sensations from those that occur in our head. This book is one of the few that allows you to open your eyes to less popular factors of influence on our brain - physical sensations.

It turns out that metaphors like "hard day", "clean conscience" or "warm welcome" are a very real reflection of how we perceive physical sensations. Walking along the sand makes us softer than walking on hard concrete, and taking a warm cup of coffee and vanilla smells improve our mood and allow us to be more loyal to others.

The book considers the following factors of influence on psychology:

Despite the fact that the book sometimes describes the same fact on many pages, it contains a lot of useful facts and stands out favorably by its specialization in physical sensations. The only thing is that it was missed the factor of sound sensations, in my opinion, one of the most important in influencing a person.