Oedipus complex

Far from a rare occurrence is the fact that you can hear from a little girl: "When I'm an adult, I will definitely marry my dad." Boys of three or five years also often say that they marry their mother, and she will give birth to them brothers or sisters.

Oedipus complex according to Freud implies a psychological conflict between the instinct of the baby to seize the parent of the opposite sex in sexual terms and a ban on this action. Freud started talking about the edipov complex in children at the beginning of the last century, but only after decades of his theory was recognized.

Treatment of the oedipal complex in childhood is necessary. The earlier you, as a parent, cope with this problem, the less difficulties you will have in the future. When you feel that this psychological illness is manifested in the child intensively, it is important for you to keep in touch with the baby, try to find out from him what feelings he has with respect to the parent of the opposite sex, what he is feeling now, what thoughts he has about his father or mother. Be sincere and listen to your child, do not interrupt him at all - give him the opportunity to reveal himself to you and speak out. This will help you analyze the situation and think about its solution. If you behave firmly, persistently in solving the Oedipus complex, then you will be able to solve this problem with your child.

Oedipus complex in women

Oedipus complex in girls is expressed in the special deification of her father. Growing up, a girl can even begin to behave aggressively and negatively in relation to the mother, because of jealousy. In addition, in the future, girls with this diagnosis may have problems communicating with the opposite sex, in building their own relationships, because "such as the Pope" is not easy to find.

If parents can keep harmonious relations in the family, and the father will not show excessive attention to the girl, then eventually the baby can get rid of the Oedipus complex, being equal to her mother. Important is the trust and warm relations between mother and daughter during this period of their relationship, and the father, in turn, should try to develop in her child qualities that in the future will help her become feminine .

It is important to get rid of the Oedipus complex in childhood, otherwise the girl, and in the future the woman may have serious psychological problems. She can remain forever in love with her father, in this ideal man. This can lead to a refusal to build their own personal life, or a woman will link her fate with a person who is much older than her - at best.

Oedipus complex in men

Freud once expressed his opinion that the Oedipus complex is a punishment for the entire male sex. When the oedipus complex begins to manifest itself in boys, it is important to deliver your child from this psychological illness in time. In the Oedipus boys, the complex is expressed as follows: the child has a desire to have his mother sexually, and they perceive their father at that time as a rival. All this happens, of course, at a subconscious level. Important in time solve this problem, otherwise the child may have serious mental disorders.

In childhood, the oedipus complex can disappear if time is given to him attention and take the problem of the baby seriously. Particularly important during this period are harmonious relations between parents.

If your boy has a persistent desire that you become his wife, he shows a strong physical and emotional dependence on you, then you should pay attention to this and begin to fight the problem. First of all, there should be a harmonious relationship between husband and wife. Gradually, the boy begins to copy the father's courageous behavior and then the problem will disappear by itself.