Emotions and feelings in psychology

Emotions and feelings - this is something without which our life would not be so interesting and filled with impressions. The functions of the senses in psychology are very diverse, and in order to understand them in more detail, one can turn to simple classifications.

Emotions and feelings in psychology

Emotions are the specific sensations that a person experiences here and now. These feelings are associated with a positive or negative attitude of a person to different objects. Emotions have their basic functions:

  1. Signal. We experience emotions in those moments when we have any need.
  2. Regulatory. Emotions allow a person to behave according to the situation, proceeding from the norms peculiar to the society in which a person lives. In addition, emotions allow you to evaluate situations.
  3. Motivational. For a person to act, he needs emotions. All of us are inherently inclined to experience as many different sensations as possible, both negative and positive.

Despite the fact that emotions play a very important role in the life of a person, very few of us know how or even want to learn to understand other people's impressions. In addition, not everyone can control their own feelings and emotions.

Psychology distinguishes between emotions, feelings and will. And each of these directions receives a mass of its individual species and branches. For example, there are several kinds of emotions:

  1. Excitement is calmness.
  2. Pleasure is displeasure.
  3. The voltage is the resolution.
  4. Stenic (activity) and asthenic (despondency, impotence).

So gradually we got to the definition of feelings in psychology, because this is nothing more than a steady emotional reaction to objects. Feelings can be regarded as a property of character, and points to certain attachments and antipathies .

The properties of feelings in psychology

As in the case of emotions, the concept of feeling in psychology makes it possible to create a certain classification. They may be:

  1. Intellectual feelings. They are associated with knowledge and arise in the course of scientific or educational work - this is surprise, confidence, curiosity, uncertainty, doubt, curiosity, bewilderment.
  2. Moral feelings. They are related to the attitude of a person to public morality. This includes duty, conscience, respect and contempt, sympathy and antipathy, patriotism and so on.
  3. Aesthetic feelings. They are associated with aesthetic needs. These are feelings of the beautiful, the sublime, the ugly, the base, and so on.
  4. Feelings of justice. People react painfully to any injustice, and tend to look dignified and independent in any, even the most oppressive situation.

Human psychology distinguishes between feelings of strength, speed of occurrence and duration. Some arise quickly and also quickly evaporate, others are slow and stable. Depending on how strong and lasting the feelings, they can be attributed to different types of emotional states of a person:

  1. Emotional tone. These are immediate experiences and sensations that relate to every object of reality.
  2. Mood. These are experiences of weak or medium strength and relatively stable.
  3. Passion. This is a stable, long-lasting condition. It is associated with a strong heat of passion. In a positive sense, this is an excellent motivator, but passion creates dependencies.
  4. Affects. These are extremely strong, fast and violent emotional states that quickly pass. Occur due to sudden shocking events.
  5. Inspiration. This is a state of great aspiration for a certain activity.
  6. Ambivalence. This is the inconsistency of emotions experienced.
  7. Apathy . This is the consequence of fatigue or a strong experience, which proceeds like indifference to life.
  8. Depression. It is a depressed state in which a person has no desires and everything is seen in a gloomy light.
  9. Stress. This emotional state is an extremely strong and prolonged psychological strain, which often requires special restorative procedures.
  10. Frustration. This state of disorganization of consciousness due to serious obstacles to the goal.

Possessing such knowledge about feelings and emotions, it becomes easier to understand yourself and others.