Grandmother's recipes for weight loss

Despite the fact that progress is moving forward, grandmother's methods of losing weight are still relevant, and most importantly, harmless. However, the problem of losing weight in the old days has never been - fashion for leanness exists not so long ago, but before, a woman with a 50-m clothing size was perceived as a thoroughly harmonious and harmonious being. We will consider a selection of old and natural recipes that can help reduce weight.

Birch juice in grandmother's recipes for weight loss

The only drawback of this product is that it is possible to obtain its natural only in the spring, and then, for this it is most reliable to go to the forest with special devices. In all other cases it is difficult to guarantee that you get exactly birch juice, besides, it is stored only for a few days.

However, this is the only difficulty, because otherwise this drink is a mixture of vitamins, minerals and pure water. Its main advantage for those who dream of harmony is the ability to disperse metabolism . Ideally, it should be consumed a glass a day for a whole month, and then your natural metabolism will start to work quickly and smoothly, and the extra pounds, provided proper nutrition and sport - melt much more actively.

Cabbage juice from grandmothers for losing weight

The juice of cabbage has little in common with the taste of this vegetable, and it is rather difficult to call it pleasant. However, beauty requires sacrifice, and if you really need an auxiliary measure for losing weight, perhaps this is exactly what you need.

Thanks to the systematic use of 2-3 glasses of this juice a day, you accelerate the metabolism, increase the splitting of fatty deposits and reduce appetite. In order to improve the taste of the drink, it is best to mix it with other natural vegetable juices - for example, carrot juice.

Attention please ! Diseases of the kidneys, intestines and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole can be a contraindication to the use of this remedy! Talk to your doctor.

Grandma's diet is a complete cleansing of the stomach

Every day we eat food with dyes, flavors, stabilizers, flavor enhancers. All this damages the body, fills it with slag and prevents healthy weight control.

It is believed that you can cleanse the body if you drink 0.5-1 liter of cucumber juice per day. It tastes little to the taste of cucumbers and is not very pleasant, but the cleansing gives excellent results. It's only 3-5 days in which you drink cucumber juice and eat only fruit and fresh vegetables , so that the body is cleaned and started to work more efficiently.