Developing cartoons for children 4-5 years old

All small children, without exception, like to watch cartoons. And although most parents do not encourage such a fascination with their youngsters, in some cases watching cartoons can be useful. To get the most out of this very dubious entertainment, you need to choose the "right" cartoons, from which a child of a certain age will be able to gather the information he needs.

In this article we will tell you what should be the developing cartoons for children from 4 to 5 years, and we will list the most popular and interesting cartoons.

What should be developing cartoons for children 4-5 years old?

To make the cartoon useful for the baby, it should meet the following requirements:

  1. First and foremost, the cartoon must be kind, and its heroes must promote the right values ​​of life.
  2. Painted characters should be fun, kind and good, but not ideal. This is necessary so that a child who by nature is imperfect, does not feel guilty for the shortcomings that he has.
  3. The cartoon must be of good quality. This concerns both images and scoring.
  4. Ideally, a cartoon does not have to be massive and over-hyped.
  5. Finally, the "right" cartoon for a four- or five-year-old child should target both sexes. Most child psychologists agree that at this age, excessive emphasis on gender is completely unnecessary, and both boys and girls should play the same toys and watch the same cartoons.

List of the best developing cartoons for children 4-5 years old

A lot of modern young parents prefer to show their crumbs the following cartoons for children of 4 years, developing speech and other useful skills:

  1. "Little Einsteins" (USA, 2005-2009). The heroes of this cartoon is a group of 4 kids on a musical rocket. In each series, which last for 20-25 minutes, the kids try to help some character who is in a difficult position for himself. The cartoon is remarkably sounded by real children's voices, classical music often sounds in it , and the background in some plots is the great works of art. In the process of performing tasks, small Einsteins, as well as young viewers sitting in front of their TV screens, learn a lot of useful information, for example, what volcanoes are, or what tree is the highest in the world.
  2. "Adventures of Luntik and his friends" (Russia, issued from 2006 to the present). Training animation series for preschoolers of Russian production about the life of an alien creature in the neighborhood with terrestrial insects.
  3. "The Incredible Investigations of the Hackley Kitten" (Canada, 2007). This gorgeous and kind detective cartoon about the game of kitten Hackley and his friends in the detectives, develops the brains of logic, deduction and attention. In addition, he promotes friendship and mutual assistance.
  4. "Nuki and friends" (Belgium, 2007). Incredibly kind, cognitive and colorful cartoon serial about the life and adventures of three plush toys - Nuki, Lola and Paco.
  5. Robot Robot (Canada, 2010). A cartoon about how a group of cute robots together solves various problems. Teaches kids to think logically and shows that working in a team is much easier and more effective.

In addition, there are other, newer developing animations for children of 4 years old, which can be taken into consideration when choosing an animation film to show your child: