The influence of music on the development of the child

The beneficial influence of music on the development of the child was noticed long ago by our ancestors. Subsequently, as a result of numerous studies conducted in this field, it was found that music contributes to the formation of thinking, memory, imagination in children from an early age.

Scientists have proved that starting from the nineteenth week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to perceive sounds from the outside world, so the future mother is recommended to listen to quiet classical music. Especially effective is the impact on children of Mozart's music. Having a therapeutic and relaxing effect, it affects even unborn children: the fruit subsides with the sounds of the famous composer's works. It is noted that after birth, children, whose mothers regularly listened to Mozart, were more calm.

What music to choose?

There is evidence that the music has a positive impact on the health of children and their physical development. So, the children who are attached to the classical music during the perinatal period, much earlier than their peers, begin to sit, walk and talk. When the melody sounds, the human brain perceives sound vibrations corresponding to musical notes. At the same time certain types of nerve cells react to sound waves, due to which there is a removal of nervous tension, calming. The favorable influence of music on the child's psyche is also in the fact that it generates sensitivity and emotional openness to the world. Later the baby will grow contact, competent in assessing the mood of surrounding people, which greatly facilitates interaction with them.

Particularly should be emphasized the influence of music on the adolescent. Harmonious sounds balance the processes of excitation-inhibition in a difficult period of the hormonal outburst. At the same time, the musical compositions of classical composers have different effects:

Today, there is a promising direction of music therapy for problem children in order to correct their behavior.