Dressing from a tomato for the winter

It's no secret that sunsets allow you to save time seriously. In winter, early darkens, so that many return from work at dusk. Going home, so want to quickly relax. If there is a suitable conservation, cooking dinner is simplified at times.

Tomato dressing

One of the most popular sunsets is a dressing from a tomato for the winter. Let's remember that tomatoes do not lose useful substances during heat treatment and can conserve them more.



We wash tomatoes, cutting out pieces near the leg. We grind our tomatoes and celery in a meat grinder, add salt, pepper and cook on low heat. How much to cook a dressing, depends on what you want to get: the sauce can be left quite liquid, and the dressing for cabbage for the winter from a tomato is usually thicker. Once enough is boiled, put it into sterilized jars and roll it up. As you can see, it's very easy to make a dressing from a tomato for the winter.

Dressing with onions

If you want to make a delicious dressing for a tomato soup for the winter, you'll have to work a little longer.



Luchok clean and shinkuem as small as possible, carrots are cleaned and three on a large grater. Pepper and tomatoes are my and cut in half. At peppers we clean seeds and partitions, at tomatoes we cut off parts near a peduncle. Melem in the meat grinder. In a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom, warm the oil, fry the onion and carrot until soft, add the mixture of tomatoes and peppers and cook, stirring, for about a quarter of an hour. If we want to make soup filling from tomato for the winter turned out to be more dense, we boil longer. Solim, pepper, we put finely chopped greens. At will, we fill the garlic and sharp pepper passed through the press. We roll it up.

Non-standard refueling

It often happens that tomatoes on the bushes do not have time to finish. There is a question, where to put a lot of green tomatoes. We will gain another recipe - refueling of green tomatoes and cabbage for the winter.



Shinkle cabbage, three carrots on a grater for cooking vegetables in Korean. Tomatoes are mine and cut into half rings, we add greenery - dill, parsley. Mix well and tightly fill in jars. In the boiling water we put pepper, salt and sugar. After a couple of minutes, pour in the vinegar and pour boiling marinade our refueling. Leave to stand under the lid for about a quarter of an hour, merge the brine, boil, fill and roll again. It turns out a delicious soup or borsch refueling for the winter, without a tomato, these dishes are unthinkable. However, this canned food can be served in winter and as a salad or on a side dish to meat or fish.