Herring under a fur coat with cheese

All of us had to try such a legendary salad of the Soviet era, like a herring under a fur coat. Surprisingly, this dish has not lost its relevance after decades, and only slightly improved thanks to cheese. It was on the cheese recipes of the classic salad that we decided to stop our attention.

Herring under a fur coat with cheese - recipe



Herring is divided into fillets and cleans from the bones. We cut the fish into small pieces. Onions are also pulverized and scalded. We boil potatoes in uniforms in salted water. Separately, we also cook beets and carrots. Eggs boiled hard, divided into proteins and yolks and each of the parts rubbed on a grater. Boiled vegetables are rubbed on a large grater.

Now that all the ingredients have been prepared, you can proceed to assemble the salad. At the bottom of the salad bowl, put a layer of grated potatoes and grease it with mayonnaise. The next layer is laid out the "star" of the dish - herring, which must first be mixed with onions. Grated beetroot squeezed from the juice and mixed with mayonnaise (lovers of garlic can add a mixture passed through the press denticle). We distribute the beet mass over the herring layer. Over the beets, we put the grated carrots, again we grease it with mayonnaise and cover with grated cheese.

Finished salad cover the final layer of mayonnaise and decorate with grated eggs.

How to prepare a herring under a fur coat with melted cheese?



We boil vegetables in uniforms, cool, clean and grate. Also rub on the grater and peeled and peeled the apple. Grind the onion and scald it. Herring is cleaned from the bones and cut into cubes. Grate the grated cheese on the grater and proceed to assemble the salad.

The basis of the dish will be grated potatoes, which must be lubricated with mayonnaise. On top of the potatoes, we spread herring with onions, and not her - apples and carrots. Again, cover the salad with a layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle with melted cheese and finish the dish mixed with mayonnaise beets. Herring under a fur coat with cheese is ready. Bon Appetit!