Chicken salad with potatoes is an excellent option for a light dinner or lunch snack. It perfectly combines proteins and carbohydrates, and there is practically no heavy fats. In this salad turns unusually satisfying, because potatoes are rich in calories. Let's consider with you how to prepare a salad of potatoes and chicken.
Salad with chicken, mushrooms and potatoes
- potatoes - 2 pieces;
- breast chicken - 0,5 pcs .;
- pickled cucumber - 1 piece;
- canned mushrooms - 1 can;
- mayonnaise - for refueling;
- egg - 1 piece;
- Fresh fennel - 1 bunch.
So, to make this salad, potatoes, put them in a saucepan, fill them with water, add salt and boil them until they are ready. Then cool it, clean it and rub it on a large thermo. Chicken fillet, too, cook and disassemble the meat into fibers. Pickled cucumber three on a grater, and with canned mushrooms merge brine and cut into plates. Eggs boil hard, clean and grind with a grater.
Now take a flat dish and spread our salad layers, promazyvaya everyone with mayonnaise. So, first we put the potatoes, cover it with boiled fillet, sprinkle with grated cucumber, lay mushrooms, eggs, cover again evenly with potatoes and sprinkle on top with crushed dill. Let's leave the prepared salad for 30 minutes at room temperature, so that it is soaked, and then cool and serve to the table.
Salad with chicken, mushrooms, potatoes and cheese
- chicken fillet - 250 g;
- canned champignons - 200 g;
- ham - 200 g;
- processed cheese - 100 g;
- potatoes - 400 g;
- egg - 4 pieces;
- dill - to taste;
- garlic - 4 cloves;
- green salad;
- mayonnaise - to taste.
We peel the potatoes with a knife, grate it and fry it in a heated frying pan, pouring vegetable oil into it. Fillets and chicken eggs are cooked separately and cut the meat into small pieces. Marinated champignons are cut into cubes. Eggs are cleaned from the shell, we separate the yolks from the proteins; squirrels finely shred knife, and yolks rubbed on a large grater along with melted cheese. Toothed garlic is passed through the press. Now mix the chicken, egg whites, ham and garlic. We fill it with mayonnaise and mix it. Salad bowl overlay with lettuce leaves and in the center we put the prepared stuffing.
Half of the sliced greenery is combined with egg yolk, grated cheese and garlic, season with mayonnaise, mix and remove for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. The rest of the greens are poured on top of the filling of the salad, we spread it with a spoon, overlay the fried potatoes, forming a nest. From the cooled mixture we make eggs and put them in the center of the nest. Here's an original salad we got with you!
Salad with chicken, cucumber and potatoes
- chicken breast - 1 pc .;
- cucumber - 1 piece;
- potatoes - 5 pcs .;
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc .;
- a stalk of celery - 1 piece;
- green onions - 1 bunch;
- lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- mustard - 0,5 tsp;
- spice.
We boil potatoes in a uniform. Breast the chicken breast, cut into cubes, salt, pepper and fry in a frying pan with pre-heated vegetable oil until ruddy. Celery shredded thin slices together with cucumber. Pepper is processed and chopped straw. Cooled potatoes are cleaned and cut into slices. Next, we shift all the ingredients into a salad bowl and go to the preparation of the dressing. To do this, combine the vinegar with sugar, salt, pepper and put mustard. Pour the mixture into the salad, mix and serve.