Chicken fillet in breadcrumbs

Chicken fillet can become not only the main meat dish on your everyday, or even a festive table, but also a fine snack to beer, or soft drinks. In this article, we'll figure out how to cook chicken fillet in breadcrumbs.

Chicken fillet recipe in breadcrumbs



In a bowl, beat the egg with a glass of milk. Separately mix sifted flour, salt, pepper, paprika, dried garlic and baking powder. We mix everything thoroughly. We pour the breaded bread on a flat dish.

Chicken fillet washed and cut into slices. First of all, we pour the meat in a dry mixture of flour and spices, then dip it into the egg whipped with milk and, lastly, roll in breadcrumbs .

Vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan or in a deep fryer, chicken pieces, previously freed from excess breading, immerse in oil and fry until golden brown. Let the excess fat drain off, putting the finished meat on a paper towel.

Chicken fillet in breadcrumbs with cheese



The garlic clove is let through the press and mixed with olive oil. Using a coffee grinder, or a mortar with a pestle, grind spices and herbs together with crackers. In the fragrant mixture, add finely grated cheese and mix thoroughly.

Chicken my fillet, cleaned from tapes and cut into small portions. We dip the pieces into garlic oil, and then roll in breadcrumbs from the cracker and herbs. We bake the chicken in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

Chicken fillet in breadcrumbs in the oven



Chicken fillet washing, cleaned of films and possible residues of fat. We beat the fillet with a kitchen hammer so that the meat is one thickness over the entire surface.

In a large bowl, mix grated cheese (half the whole amount) and crushed capers (half of the total), add a tablespoon of fresh thyme, butter, mustard, lemon zest. Then we survive the juice of half a lemon and add 2 tablespoons of water. Pieces of chicken roll in the resulting mixture. If possible, the meat can be left to marinate for up to a day in the refrigerator.

Breadcrumbs are poured on an even dish and mixed with the remains of cheese and capers, add thyme. Chicken fillet crumble in the resulting breading mixture and shake off the excess. Transfer the meat to the baking sheet. Cover the chicken with excess crumbs so that a uniform dense layer is formed on each of the fillets. Bake the meat at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until the crust is solid and golden, and the meat is not completely baked.

We serve meat with slices of lemon, so that the chicken can be flavored with juice before eating. Do not be superfluous and your favorite sauce.