Lactostasis during breastfeeding

Many mothers face lactostasis during breastfeeding. Simply put, there is incomplete emptying of the breast during feeding and milk stagnates.

Causes of lactostasis

This condition can be caused not only by non-compliance with the child's feeding regimen, but also by wearing tight clothes, stressful situations, hypothermia. The role of nervous overstresses and stresses is that there is a sharp spasm of the gland ducts. As a result, the outflow of milk is difficult. Also, lactostasis can occur due to the fact that the child eats a little, and milk is produced by the mother a lot. As a result, this discrepancy between the amount of milk produced and the child's need is obtained.

Especially often, lactostasis during breastfeeding occurs in primiparas. Since their ducts of the breast are not yet fully formed, they are more convoluted and narrow. In some women breastfeeding may be difficult due to the shape, anatomical features of the mammary glands, and in particular the structure of the nipple is particularly important.

It should be noted that with a sharp discontinuation of lactostasis develops with a higher degree of probability.

Symptoms of milk stagnation

Lactostasis occurs more often in the early postpartum period. This is due to the fact that a small amount of milk is sufficient for a newborn baby to saturate. In the event that the mammary glands are not completely emptied, then gradually the milk accumulates. As a result, the gland ducts expand. Increased pressure inside the lobule of the gland leads to the appearance of edema and inflammation. In addition, stagnant milk is a good substratum for feeding the infection, which can lead to the development of mastitis . And this significantly worsens the severity of the condition.

The main symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother include the following symptoms:

  1. The mammary gland becomes more dense, the skin is tense due to puffiness.
  2. Painful sensations when touching the gland.
  3. The expansion of the veins on the mammary gland is clearly visible.
  4. Often, lactostasis during breastfeeding leads to an increase in body temperature.

Treatment and prevention of lactostasis in nursing mothers

Many are interested in whether it is possible to feed with lactostasis, and the answer will be unambiguous. Breastfeeding with lactostasis should be continued. After all, milk still contains many useful and necessary substances. In this case, you can often put the baby to the chest, and you can continue feeding in the usual mode.

For the treatment of lactostasis during breastfeeding it is important to restore the outflow of milk and try to completely empty the mammary gland. This means that if after feeding the iron remains very dense, then you need to express the remaining milk. To do this, it is possible to get rid of stagnation with the help of breast pumps or manually. In addition, with severe pain syndrome, you can use painkillers.

The main thing to remember - absolutely counter-indicative is the use of warming, alcohol compresses and other thermal procedures. Their use often leads to the spread of the process and the development of complications.

And in order to prevent lactostasis, you must comply with the following rules:

  1. Know how to express the right milk , and, thus, you can prevent stagnation.
  2. It is important to watch how the baby takes the breast. After all, this can disrupt the feeding process. The child simply gets tired of inefficient sucking, and most of the milk remains in the ducts of the breast.
  3. It is necessary to select convenient postures for feeding with lactostasis, and it will be better that the posture at which the condensed area of ​​the mammary gland will be emptied.
  4. Avoid long intervals between feedings.