Oscillococcinum with breastfeeding

No matter how much the nursing mother tries to protect herself from colds and flu, it can still happen. No one is immune from infection or hypothermia. And then usually panic begins - what to do? Continue to feed? Or isolate from the baby and stop breastfeeding? Than to be treated?

Previously, all of these questions were unambiguous answer - to isolate the child from a sick mother and to intensively treat the latter. Fortunately, modern medicine is not so categorical. A woman is offered to be treated with the safest drugs and homeopathy, which do not cause significant harm to the child. And what about breastfeeding - it is believed that the excommunication of the child is not only unnecessary, but also unjustified. After all, with breast milk, an infant receives antibodies to the disease from the mother.

And yet, than to be treated, if ORZ or FLU caught up at the most inopportune moment? In the last few years, a new homeopathic drug with a complex name Ocillococcinum has appeared on the drugstore shelves. It is prescribed by some doctors, especially pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Around this drug, there are controversial discussions about its effectiveness. Adherents of traditional medicine called Otsilokoktsinum pacifier with the effect of placebo, because during his study in the composition found no active substances.

Adherents of the same homeopathy talk about the miracle of the drug, which with regular admission helps with the prevention of colds. And when taking Otsilokoktsinuma in the early stages of the disease helps to fight the first signs of a cold and flu, greatly facilitating them.

Whatever it was, the drug does not contain dangerous components and does not have side effects. In its composition, only lactose, sucrose and, according to producers, extract from the liver of the barberry (musk) duck. The only contraindication is the individual intolerance of the components of the drug. Sometimes there are allergic reactions to the drug.

Is it possible to breastfeed my mother Oscilococcinum?

Since there are no harmful ingredients in the preparation, Oscillococcinum is not prohibited in breastfeeding. Moreover, many doctors are prescribed to Oksylococcinum for nursing mothers. He does not carry danger, because it does not contain the fact that, absorbed in milk, would harm the child.

In the instruction to Otsilokoktsinumu it is written that during pregnancy and lactation the drug should be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, do not do self-targeting, even given its obvious security. In the same place, in the instruction, it is indicated that treatment with Oscillococcinum does not exclude the use of other drugs.

Oscillococcinum during lactation is a drug that can be taken safely for the prevention, as well as for the treatment of viral diseases. If you want to use it as a preventive agent, you need to take it regularly, especially in the winter. In this case, the producers promise that he warns the occurrence of influenza and ARVI.

Method of taking and dosage of the drug

It is necessary to put the contents of the container-dose under the tongue and keep it there until it is completely dissolved. For infants, the contents of the dose are dissolved in a small amount of water and given with the help of a bottle with a pacifier or with a spoon.

It is recommended to take the drug 15 minutes before or 1 hour after eating. As for the dosage, it depends on the specific case (but not on the age of the patient). For example, for prevention, you need to take 1 dose per week, with the initial stage of the disease - take 1 dose and repeat a couple of times after 6 hours. At the same stages of the disease, you should take the drug twice a day for 1 dose for one to three days.