How to strengthen hair?

Healthy and beautiful hair - the real pride of every woman, they attract to themselves in the first place. Some are lucky - nature has awarded them a thick head of hair, which does not require special care. However, in the current conditions it is so difficult to maintain the health and beauty of your hair, the hair is always left on the comb. In this situation, the hair should be strengthened.

Strengthening of hair

It is not necessary to go to the expensive salon to strengthen the hair. It is enough to know and apply several natural time-tested funds, with which you can certainly strengthen hair at home.

When a woman is faced with the question of how to strengthen her hair, she often resorts to such means as:

The modern cosmetic industry can please us with a lot of means to strengthen and grow hair. These are all kinds of lotions, masks, balms, shampoos and vitamins. But, as a rule, some chemical preparations are added to the finished products for the activation of this or that component, which can negatively affect the weakened hair, so many women, despite catastrophic employment, prefer nevertheless folk remedies and masks for strengthening the hair. Just imagine, in this case you will always know exactly what is in their composition and will not worry about the result.

Components for home masks

There are several effective plants with which you can make a home hair mask. For example, for oily hair is best suited:

If you have dry hair, then in the means for strengthening hair that you will do at home, you must necessarily add poplar buds or ivy leaves. Absolutely for all types of hair to strengthen and grow, you need to use components such as onions or bark of oak.

Home Masks for Strengthening the Hair

Preparing a hair conditioner at home will not take you much time.

Nettles are most often used as infusion. Several beams of its leaves are poured with boiling water so that they are completely immersed in water and infused for at least 24 hours, after which such a remedy is rubbed into the scalp for 2 months.

Also, the mask of calendula will help to strengthen the hair. Alcohol tincture of calendula mixed with castor oil in a proportion of 10: 1. Twice a week, it is rubbed into the roots of the hair.

Several poplar buds should be poured with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and left for a week in a dark place. Then strain and apply to the hair and roots three times a week. After the procedure, the hair should be rinsed well with water.

If you need to quickly strengthen hair at home, then resort to a miracle remedy, like a decoction of ivy leaves. Crushed ivy leaves (2 tablespoons) are poured in water (0.5 L), boiled, filtered and daily rubbed into the roots. Treatment passes for a month.

Onion is a long-tried remedy for falling out. You can make a gruel from finely chopped onions and vodka, which is insisted for 24 hours, carefully filtered and deeply rubbed into the roots of the hair. And you can boil onion husks (in a 1: 1 ratio). After washing the head with such a means, the hair must be rinsed with decoction of the willow bark or the burdock root (in the ratio 1: 3). Oak bark for strengthening and hair growth is preferable for brunettes, as it gives the hair a darker shade. 1 part of it is steamed in 2 parts of water, filtered, diluted with water and rinsed with hair.