Magic curlers

Beautiful hair is one of the main accents of the beauty of a woman. Have luxurious curls - a dream, perhaps, of every beauty. On sale there is a great variety of all kinds of devices:

Relatively recently, on the shelves of stores a new kind of curls curls - magic curlers.

How to use magic curlers?

Not everyone and does not always manage to wind hair beautifully. Often curls break up very quickly, and it becomes a pity spent effort and time. It all depends not only on what makes your hair curls, but also on the hair itself. At someone they thin, dry, at someone rigid and disobedient. You have to use a lot of extra funds to keep the curls:

The novelty are curlers "Magic curl". Consider how to use them and what is the effect of their application. But first, we'll tell you what they are.

Magic magic curlers are spirals of soft polymer fibers with silicone tips at the ends, with a through slot, into which a curl is passed through a special hook. Twist the magic curlers you need slightly damp hair. Because curlers are soft, they can sleep.

If you need to quickly make a haircut:

  1. Screw the hair over the magic curlers.
  2. Dry the dryer for a maximum of 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the curlers - the hair is ready.

The advantage of such hair curlers is not only in their lightness, but also that the curls do not have to be twisted by hand. It is necessary only to pass a special crochet strand in the ribbon, and the hair itself will twist. It is also important that the hair does not undergo heat treatment, thus, remain "alive" and undamaged. Among other things, the curlers themselves will last a long time.

Depending on the length and thickness of the hair and the diameter of the curls you prefer, different sets of hair curlers are sold:

You can curl and cascade haircut - get a magnificent hairdo.

Instructions for using magic curlers

Before learning how to use curlers themselves, you should prepare your hair. To do this, lightly soak them, and wash them better. If the hair is completely wet, dry them with a towel to a state of 60-70% moisture. They should be wet, but not wet and not dry. Now proceed directly to winding:

  1. Separate not too thick strands of hair. Thinner strands dry faster and have a more neat appearance.
  2. Take one ribbon of curlers and thread a special hook through it.
  3. Hook the separated strand of hair at its base behind the tip of the hook and drag it through the curlers. Release the ribbon - the strand in the curlers itself will "jump". Twist the strands to the very tips. Do this procedure until the strands run out
  4. Then, if there is time, let the hair dry up, you can go to bed in curlers, without removing them. If you are in a hurry, just dry your hair with a hairdryer, without removing the curlers. After as the curls dry, do not remove the curlers at once, let them cool down for 10-15 minutes - then the curls will last longer.
  5. Carefully remove the magic curlers. You can fix the locks with hairspray.
  6. If you want to achieve the effect of "wet curls", use a special hair wax. The curls will become obedient and shiny.

Magic curlers round Magic Roller

If you want the hair to fall in waves, use Magic Round Roller magic curlers.

It is also important to choose the right curler depending on your hair length so that the entire strand is placed in the ribbon.