Solyanka with mushrooms - delicious and original recipes for soup, hot and snacks for the winter

Solyanka with mushrooms is an appetizing and fragrant dish, which can be prepared in the form of a stew in a purely vegetable composition or with the addition of meat. However, there are under the same name numerous versions of liquid hot, which are served on the first for dinner. The latter is cooked on meat, vegetable or mushroom broths.

How to cook horseradish with mushrooms?

A tasty hodgepodge with mushrooms is an ideal well-balanced nutritious dish that can be served without dinner for dinner or dinner. The only exception would be a nourishing and caloric variation of hot meat or sausage, especially revered among the male audience. Preparing the food is simple, without extra culinary delights.

  1. Chopped fresh champignons or pre-cooked forest mushrooms are fried in oil until the moisture evaporates.
  2. Separately fry, and then prunes vegetables: onions with carrots, cabbage, other ingredients according to the recipe.
  3. Mushroom fry spread to vegetables, warm together 5-10 minutes.
  4. In liquid versions, vegetables and mushrooms are cooked with the addition of broth or water.
  5. Thick mushroom hodgepodge can be served to the table with herbs, and soup is complemented with slices of lemon, sour cream, olives.

Mushroom salad with fresh mushrooms - recipe

A simple hodgepodge with mushrooms is delicious simply with bread, can be served as a garnish or used as a filling in baking. Instead of tomato juice, you can take fresh tomatoes, chopping them in a blender or letting through a grater. Particularly fragrant dish will be made with mushrooms or poderezozikovami.



  1. Fry the mushrooms until the moisture evaporates. When using forest dwellers, they are pre-brewed.
  2. Separately pass the onions with carrots in oil, mix with mushrooms.
  3. Pour tomato juice, season mass and stew for 30-40 minutes under the lid, stirring occasionally.

Solyanka with mushrooms and cabbage - recipe

In the overwhelming majority of recipes, a mushroom salad with cabbage is prepared. A classic recipe for a similar version of snacks will be presented later. If desired, it can be diversified or adapted to your taste, adding seasonings, spices, garlic or simply greens upon completion of the extinguishing process.



  1. Pass the half onions in butter, add the mushrooms, fry until the moisture evaporates.
  2. In a saucepan or cauldron, fry the remaining onions with carrots.
  3. Add the chopped cabbage, pour in tomato juice, season the vegetable mass to taste, stew until soft.
  4. Add the mushroom toast.
  5. After 10 minutes of languishing under the lid, a fresh cabbage soup with mushrooms will be ready.

Vegetable salad with mushrooms

Especially delicious is a mushroom hodgepodge with tomatoes, which are cut into slices and pawned to the rest of the vegetables in the process of extinguishing. Any mushrooms can be added both in fried, and simply boiled, which will increase the dietary characteristics of the dish and will reduce its calorie content.



  1. Fry onion with carrots.
  2. Add the cabbage, stew for 20 minutes.
  3. Lay tomatoes, boiled or fried mushrooms.
  4. Season the dish to taste, stew for 10 minutes under the lid.
  5. Serves a hodgepodge with vegetables and mushrooms with fresh herbs.

Solyanka from sauerkraut with mushrooms

The next recipe for saltwort with mushrooms is suitable for making a lunch menu. The resulting hot, cooked with the addition of sauerkraut , will be pleased with a magnificent bright saturated taste with pleasant sourness and a stunning aroma, achieved through the use of dried white mushrooms.



  1. White mushrooms are soaked and boiled with the addition of carrots and onions for 30 minutes.
  2. Fry the remaining onions, parsley and carrots, add tomatoes, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, stew for 15 minutes.
  3. Spread the dressing in a strained broth with sliced ​​porcini mushrooms.
  4. Throw sliced ​​fresh mushrooms, seasonings, cook hot for 15 minutes.
  5. Serves a hodgepodge with mushrooms with sour cream, herbs, lemon and olives.

Soup with salt mushrooms

Prepared in the form of soup mushroom hodgepodge, the recipe of which will be outlined next, is prepared without cabbage, but with the addition of pickles, capers or olives. A completely new flavor palette will find many admirers and will become one of the most popular culinary creations. Fresh mushrooms can be taken any, and dried ones preferably use white.



  1. Boil the previously soaked in water porcini mushrooms with the addition of a bulb for 30 minutes.
  2. The bulb is taken out, the broth is filtered.
  3. Add fresh mushrooms, salvaged separately in oil onions with carrots, tomato paste and sliced ​​cucumber salted.
  4. Dropping capers, seasoned hot to taste.
  5. Ready-made horseradish with porcini mushrooms is served with sour cream and herbs.

Solyanka with mushrooms and meat

The most nutritious version of hot - hodgepodge meats with mushrooms. In this case, beef is used as a basic component, but you can take pork, other meat. Smoked ham can be replaced with other smoked foods to choose from, and instead of fresh tomatoes add tomato paste to the broth.



  1. Boil the beef until ready, take the meat out of the broth, cut into cubes, return it to the pan.
  2. Add chopped mushrooms, smoked meat, cabbage.
  3. Pass the onions with carrots, lay the ground tomatoes, cucumbers, add a mass of 15 minutes.
  4. Enter the dressing in the hodgepodge, cast olives, seasonings, cook for 10 minutes.

Soup with saltwort and mushrooms and sausage

No less tasty and nutritious is a hodgepodge with mushrooms, cooked with sausage or sausages. Broth can be prepared from beef or by taking smoked ribs for a more saturated taste and aroma. As a vegetable filler in this case, instead of cabbage, cut into small potatoes is used.



  1. Boil the ribs for 1 hour, separate the flesh from the bones, cut.
  2. Add the meat to the broth, along with sliced ​​sausages, smoked products and potatoes.
  3. After 10 minutes of cooking add salted onions with carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, pasta and olives.
  4. After another 10 minutes of cooking, the hodgepodge with sausages and mushrooms will be ready.

Mushroom hodgepodge with potatoes for the second

The next original recipe for a delicious saltwort with mushrooms is not like other versions of the dish and has an individual incomparable taste. The basic component in this case, along with the mushrooms is potatoes, the quenching of which in milk will make the dish more refined, and the palette is more delicate.



  1. Two thirds of all potatoes are poured with milk, placed in a saucepan on a stove.
  2. The remaining potato slices are fried with onions in oil, adding cherry and wine, spread into a pan.
  3. Enter the dish in the dish, mushrooms, sour cream, cheese, tinned 30 minutes.
  4. Serve a hodgepodge with herbs while hot.

Salsola with chicken and mushrooms

Homemade hodgepodge with mushrooms, cooked for the second, taking into account the recommendations below, will be a worthy independent meal for a nutritious dinner or dinner. Potatoes can be excluded from the composition, replacing it with a portion of cabbage and mushrooms, and instead of chicken fillet take portions of chicken carcass.



  1. Combine in a pan fried onions with carrots, slices of chicken.
  2. Add cabbage, potatoes, fried tomatoes, mushrooms.
  3. Season the hodgepodge and cook for 30-40 minutes.

Solyanka with salted mushrooms - recipe

A rich aromatic hodgepodge with white mushrooms dried and any other salted can not leave anyone indifferent. A pleasant piquant, sour taste of hot will become even more intense if half the fresh cabbage is replaced with a sauerkraut. Serve the dish with sour cream, lemon slices finely chopped greens.



  1. Boil the soaked and chopped white mushrooms.
  2. Add cabbage salvaged onions with carrots, tomatoes, pickled mushrooms.
  3. Season the food, cook for 20 minutes.

Solyanka with mushrooms in the multivark

Preparation of a saltwort with mushrooms can safely be entrusted to a multivariate. Smart device delicately cope with the quenching of components that become soft, exchange tastes, but fully preserve the integrity of the slices. It will be tasty with any mushrooms, but forest dwellers are always in priority.



  1. Fry onion with carrots.
  2. Lay cabbage, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomato and spices.
  3. Switch the device to "Quenching" and prepare the dish for 1 hour.
  4. Evaporate excess moisture on the "Bake" 10 minutes.

Solyanka with mushrooms for the winter - lick your fingers!

Harvested hodgepodge with mushrooms for the winter in the banks will be the best home snack among other abundance of stocks in the pantry. It can be served as a self-appetizing snack, a hearty side dish, used as a filling for a pie or refueling for the preparation of rich soups.



  1. Boil with the addition of citric acid and salt mushrooms, allow to drain.
  2. Add onions fried in oil with carrots, cabbage, sauce and salt, stew for 1.5 hours.
  3. Lay out the salad hot over the sterilized jars, pour in the vinegar, cork the containers with boiled lids, thoroughly wrap until fully cooled for slow self-sterilization.