Monthly 2 times a month - the reason

As a rule, the reason that a girl is observed monthly 2 times a month, is covered in a change in the hormonal background. It can happen under various circumstances, and often the failure of the hormonal system is caused by a disease in the reproductive system. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and try to name the most common cause of the fact that the girl's monthly go 2 times a month.

What can be caused by repeated menstrual discharge for 1 calendar month?

As is known, in the norm the cycle for women should fit within the framework of 21-35 days. Consequently, in those women who have a very short menstrual cycle, monthly excretions can be observed twice a month, at the beginning and at the end. When menstrual flow marks are noted immediately in the middle of the cycle, it is necessary to consult a doctor, tk. in most cases this is a sign of the disease.

If we talk directly about why monthly are observed 2 times a month, then the following factors can lead to a similar phenomenon:

  1. Admission of hormonal drugs, contraceptives for example. A similar phenomenon can be observed in girls for 3 months after the start of drug use.
  2. Imbalance of the hormonal system. As is known, with most diseases of the reproductive system, changes affect the menstrual cycle. So, it becomes disorderly in inflammatory processes. In addition, the failure may be due to a phenomenon such as abortion. Also, unstable monthly, often 2 times a month, can be noted even after childbirth.
  3. Age features also have their effect on the monthly. It must be said that the allocation twice a month can be observed in young girls, when their cycle is only being established. In addition, this is often observed in mature women in the pre-menopausal period.
  4. Also, small discharge in the middle of the cycle in some women, can be directly in the middle of the cycle, when the process of ovulation occurs .
  5. One of the most common reasons that the monthly come twice a month may be an established intrauterine device.

At what diseases can double menstruation occur?

After examining the main situations that explain the fact that the monthly periods are twice a month, it is necessary to name the main diseases in which similar can also occur. To such it is possible to carry:

  1. Myoma is a benign neoplasm that reaches large sizes. Such a tumor leads to a malfunction of the hormonal system, which eventually causes a monthly increase in 2 times a month.
  2. Adenomyosis is an inflammatory process that develops as a result of changes in the hormonal background, and often leads to a cycle failure.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries can also lead to double menstrual excretions.
  4. Endometrial polyps are often considered as the cause of the development of menstrual irregularities of various types.
  5. If there are malignant processes in the body , menstruation can occur regardless of the phase of the cycle. In such cases, they are brown and watery in nature.

Thus, as can be seen from this article, in order to understand why the monthly come 2 times a month, a woman needs to seek medical advice. The doctor, in turn, will appoint a survey to determine the cause. As a rule, in such cases, fetal smears are taken from the vagina, blood and urine tests are prescribed, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed, which allows to exclude the presence of neoplasms and to prescribe the correct treatment.