How to cause a menses during pregnancy?

Absence of menstruation, increased sensitivity of the breast, nervous tension, and early toxicosis may indicate pregnancy, sometimes unwanted. How to cause a monthly pregnancy, how to solve this issue at home and the least painful, let's try to analyze in our article.

How to provoke a menses during pregnancy?

In such a difficult situation, the majority prefers not to see a doctor and interrupt pregnancy in a sterile medical setting, but use herbs and preparations that at home will help to cause a month's pregnancy.

Drugs that cause a period of delay

Women understand that if you call for a month, pregnancy will be interrupted, so try as early as possible to buy at the pharmacy the necessary collection or fulfill the recommendations of girlfriends. This is a wrong decision. Before applying drugs that cause a menses during pregnancy, you still need to consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions. In such a situation, the injection that causes the menses during pregnancy will quickly help. Typically, for this use of oxytocin or progesterone preparations - medical products, which within 2-3 hours contribute to the reduction of the uterus.

The medications that cause menses during pregnancy are tablets such as: Postinor, Non-vellon, Norkolut, Pulsatilla, Mifepristone, or Mifegin. Also, menstruation with an unwanted pregnancy can be called Dufaston and Utrozhestan.

These drugs are the most dangerous, they change the hormonal background of the female body and as a result can not only interrupt the unwanted pregnancy, but also lead to irregular menstruation and problems with conception in the future. After the application of these drugs, the monthly regimen will begin approximately on the third day. But it is worth noting that it is not recommended to take such medications on your own, not only because of the possible consequences in the future, but also because of the risk of bleeding after drug withdrawal.

Particular attention should be given to folk remedies for abortion, as they are used mostly at home. The most important thing is to understand that the use of such methods is not only inefficient, but also dangerous for health.

The most frequently used fees are:

  1. The root of elecampane is considered a very effective means of interrupting pregnancy, its decoction is drunk no more than 50 g per day. Apply it carefully, in large doses it can lead to bleeding.
  2. The use of dill and parsley in large quantities can cause menstruation after two to three days.
  3. The most common way to call the monthly is a decoction of laurel leaves, you need to drink it like tea - half a cup three times a day, brewing three leaves for a glass of boiling water.
  4. The intake of ascorbic acid in large quantities after meals can cause monthly, especially the hot bath after taking the tablets.

In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, we strongly recommend that you do not try to call the monthly ones yourself. It is better not to take risks and see a doctor for pregnancy. If the monthly delay is not due to pregnancy, then you need to establish the cause of the pathology and undergo adequate treatment.

Delay in men with no pregnancy

Delay of menstruation in the absence of pregnancy can be caused by inflammatory processes in the ovaries, myoma of the uterus , inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs. The delay of menstruation can arise because of endocrine problems, therefore, if the test is negative, and the month does not begin, you need to visit the endocrinologist urgently and undergo the necessary examinations. Usually, ultrasound examination of the uterus, adrenal and thyroid gland, as well as tomography of the brain, is prescribed.