Treatment of inflammation of the bladder

Inflammation of the bladder is a very serious disease of an infectious nature, which manifests itself in the form of pronounced inflammation, which can occur in chronic or acute form. Treatment of inflammation of the bladder should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. It is important not to start the disease and not let it hit the deep layers of the mucosa of the bladder.

Than to treat an inflammation of a bladder?

There are many ways to treat a bladder, and one can never determine exactly which way to give a guaranteed result.

If there is inflammation of the bladder, treatment with antibiotics is prescribed in 99% of the cases immediately after the diagnosis is accurately established. Even if the causative agent is not precisely established, antibiotics help to remove the inflammation or prevent it from worsening. After conducting additional research, antibiotic therapy can be adjusted depending on the type of pathogen. As a rule, if the bladder has inflamed, treatment with antibiotics implies the use of cephalosporins and fourth generation fluoroquinolones.

When the question arises, how to cure inflammation of the bladder, manifested by spasms, then any doctor will recommend using Urolesan or Kanefron to relieve spasm and reduce the level of inflammation. The minus of treatment with data and similar drugs is duration, since it takes at least 1 month to take them.

If you are worried about acute inflammation of the bladder, the treatment may consist in the use of suppositories (suppositories). Candles can be prescribed as vaginal or rectal. By their action, they also differ: some candles are aimed at relieving inflammation, and some - to reduce pain, always accompanying cystitis. When pregnant women have inflammation of the bladder due to decreased immunity, treatment with candles is something that will help to avoid taking harmful antibiotics for the fetus.

Inflammation of the bladder - folk treatment

When diagnosing a disease such as bladder inflammation, herbal treatment can be prescribed only as an additional symptomatic treatment, since non-use of medicines can cause the disease to transition to a chronic form, and may lead to the development of complications of the disease. So, if you are suffering from cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), herbal therapy can only be an auxiliary method. In this case, there should be no contraindications for the use of a particular plant (for example, an allergic reaction). Of the most effective herbal infusions can be called infusion of dried leaves of a tartar, dill seeds.

Inflammation of the bladder - prevention

In order that the inflammation of the neck of the bladder, the treatment of which was successfully completed, did not recur, it is necessary to pay special attention to preventive measures in the future. In particular, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, do not catch cold and do not overcool, drink plenty of liquid and do not eat sharp and sweet foods. The use of alcohol, both during treatment and after it, is better limited or reduced to zero.

Remember that diagnosing inflammation of the bladder, the treatment (medicine) should be appointed by a qualified doctor. It is not permissible to engage in self-medication, use the advice of friends or leave the disease untreated, hoping for the strength of the body.