What is useful broccoli?

Broccoli, whose home is the Mediterranean, is not accidentally considered a queen among other cabbage species. Its inflorescences and stems have an incredibly rich chemical composition, which determines its valuable and nutritional properties. Than useful broccoli, will be told in this article.

What is useful for broccoli?

It contains just a storehouse of vitamins and useful micro- and macro elements, among which there are vitamins PP, A, K, C, U, minerals - phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper. Ascorbic acid in it even more than in citrus, and carotene is almost the same as in a ripe pumpkin and carrots. To the useful properties of cabbage broccoli include:

However, broccoli has not only useful properties, but side effects and contraindications. It is not recommended to boil and fry it, as it destroys most of the valuable compounds, and in its raw form it is dangerous for people with high acidity of the stomach and impaired pancreas. It is better to cook this cabbage for a couple.