How to cook sugar syrup?

Sugar syrup is a simple and at the same time unique substance, without which preparation and decoration of many desserts, as well as cocktails and homemade preparations, such as compote or jam , can not do. The necessary consistency of sugar syrup for this or that purpose is reached due to observance of the proportions of sugar and water determined by the recipe, as well as the time of its preparation.

Below we will consider the various options for preparing sugar syrup and reveal secrets for obtaining a successful result.

How to make sugar syrup for impregnating biscuit at home - recipe



To prepare the impregnation for biscuit, mix the cleaned vodichku with sugar and heat the mixture until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, if necessary removing the foam, but do not boil. Let the prepared syrup cool to a temperature of about thirty-seven to forty degrees, and only then add cognac, rum or liquor and mix. If you pour alcohol into hot syrup, it will lose its aromatic properties, for which we add it to impregnation.

Impregnate the cold cakes better with a completely cooled syrup to avoid excessive razmokaniya.

Preparation of sugar syrup for buns



Buns better lubricate with sugar syrup, cooked on the basis of tea leaves. To do this, pour a teaspoon of tea with steep boiling water and let it brew for five minutes. Then strain the tea leaves, add sugar, warm until all the sweet crystals are dissolved and let it cool down a little. Spread with such a syrup ready-made buns or sweet pies and leave in the oven for another couple of minutes.

To make a sweet fondant for buns, you need to take sugar one and a half times more than water, boil the syrup, stirring, until the consistency is obtained so that you can roll a soft globule from a drop of syrup, dropped into cold water. When the desired density of the syrup is reached, add to it lemon juice at the rate of ten drops per one hundred and fifty milliliters of liquid, which was taken initially for the preparation of fondant.

How to prepare sugar syrup for jam?



The consistency of sugar syrup for jam depends on whether berries or fruit with what acidity you use, and can vary from three hundred to five hundred grams of sugar per liter of purified water.

The cooking time is determined depending on the receipt of the desired sample of syrup on the density. If when compressing and unclenching the fingers of a cooled drop of syrup, it forms a thin, rapidly tearing thread, then such a syrup is used for the preparation of jam from dense and hard fruits, as well as for pouring compotes of soft berries. When forming a thin, but stronger thread, when opening the fingers, we obtain syrup for fruits and berries of medium density. If, at the sample, the fingers can be severed with difficulty and the syrup forms a thick thread, it can be used to make jam from soft and tender berries. This is the simplest and most intuitive way to determine the density of the syrup. But much simpler the task of having a special sugar thermometer that accurately determines the sugar density in the syrup at the moment and gives the opportunity to obtain a more accurate result at the desired density and cooking time of the syrup for the jam.