How to make mastic from marshmallow?

Decorating cakes with sugar mastic is a fairly new trend. But she very quickly won the love of confectioners and sweeties, because. with it is very easy to work and easy to implement the most fantastic images. Our article is devoted to mastic from air marshmallow . Its advantage is that it does not freeze as gelatinous and cake is easy to cut.

The taste and quality of the finished mastic is affected by the quality of the marshmallow and sugar powder . They are the main components of mastic. If the sugar powder is clear: the smaller it is, the more plastic the mastic. Therefore, it is better to buy powder in the store already ready, at home it is unlikely that you will be able to kill it so finely. But you can pick marshmallows only by experiment, buying and using small portions.

You also need to understand that the color of the marshmallow affects the color of the finished mastic. And if the marshmallow you have with a pink tint, you get from it, for example, a pure yellow color will not work.

Recipe for making marshmallow sugar mastic



Marshmallow is poured into a larger container, we add lemon juice and butter. Our task is to melt all this and mix it to a homogeneous mass. It can be done on a water bath, but in a microwave it's much faster. Only you need to do this gradually, for 20 seconds, so as not to overdo it. the technique of all works differently. The main thing that the marshmallow does not boil, but just softened. Then we mix it well to release air. At this stage, add dyes. Further we add parts sifted powder and we interfere with it. When to knead with a spoon it becomes hard, we sprinkle the table with powder and mix it already there, all as with a dough. Work should be done quickly while the mass is warm, if all the powder is intermittent, and the mastic still sticks, add the starch and continue kneading to the desired consistency of soft plasticine.

Now you know how to make mastic from marshmallow, having spent a minimum of time.

Chocolate mastic for cake from marshmallow by own hands

This mastic is very suitable for tightening cakes, and if you mix a little more powder into it, then the figures will turn out magnificent. Another option is good if you need a black or very dark mastic. Adding a drop of dye to it, you will get the desired result. Well, of course this mastic is more fragrant, tk. contains chocolate.



Melt in a separate dish chocolate and marshmallow, it does not matter on the water bath or in the microwave, the main thing is that neither one nor the other did not boil. Now mix both masses, add cream and butter and mix thoroughly. The resulting mass is mixed with the powder and mixed well as a dough, first with a spatula, then on a table. Depending on what you will do from the powder mastic, you can add a little more or less, look at the consistency.