How to stuff a pike?

Stuffed fish - decoration of any festive table. As a rule, no banquet can do without such a dish. In this article we will tell you how to cook stuffed pike. At first glance it seems that it is very difficult. But this is not so. You need only a little patience and accuracy. Following our advice step by step, you all necessarily come out at the highest level, and your loved ones will just be delighted!

The recipe for stuffed pike in the oven



We clean the pike neatly, so that the skin remains intact. You do not need to open the abdomen. Then my fish and dry it. Next, with a sharp knife, make an incision around the fish head and carefully remove the skin. Now cut off the head, cut out the gills and wash the head. We take the insides out of the fish. Carefully remove the meat from the bones, twist it, add the crushed bread, garlic and once again let it through the meat grinder. Half of onions and carrots are crushed and fried until golden brown. We add vegetables to stuffing, there we break eggs, salt and pepper. The received weight is tightly packed with a skin, sewed with threads and greased with mayonnaise. The head is also oversaturated with mayonnaise. The remaining onion is cut with rings and put into shape, pour some water, put the pike stuffed whole, and bake for about 1 hour at 180 degrees.

Pike stuffed with rice



My fish, cut off my head and carefully remove the skin. It is important that it remains intact, without damage. Separate the fillet from the bones, skip it along with bacon and boiled rice through a meat grinder. Add salt, spices, drive eggs and mix well. The resulting mass of stuffed pike skin, spread it on a baking tray, smeared with oil, attach the head and send it to a preheated oven. We cook for about an hour at a temperature of 180-190 degrees. If you want to get a ruddy crust, you can pre-grease the fish with mayonnaise or sour cream. Ready-stuffed pike cut into portions, decorate with slices of lemon, olives, greens.