Mineral substances in food products

To the body worked correctly without any deviations, it should receive vitamins and minerals contained in food. Each substance has its own direct function, contributing to the normal operation of internal organs and systems.

Mineral substances in food products

There are micro- and macro elements that are important for the body, and the second must enter the body more.

Useful minerals in products:

  1. Sodium . It is necessary for the formation of gastric juice, and also it regulates the work of the kidneys. Sodium is involved in the transport of glucose. Daily rate - 5 grams, which requires 10-15 grams of salt.
  2. Phosphorus . Important for bone tissue, and yet it is involved in the formation of enzymes necessary to obtain energy from food. The daily rate is 1-1.5 g. There is it in bran, pumpkin seeds and sunflower, and even in almonds.
  3. Calcium . The basis for the structure and restoration of bone tissue, and it is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The daily norm is 1-1.2 g. It is found in hard cheese, poppy and sesame, and also in dairy products.
  4. Magnesium . It is necessary for the formation of enzymes that ensure the synthesis of proteins. Magnesium promotes vasodilation. The day needs 3-5 g. Products containing this mineral substance: bran, pumpkin seeds, nuts and buckwheat .
  5. Potassium . Important for the heart, blood vessels and nervous system. Potassium regulates the rhythm of the heart and removes excess fluid. The daily norm is 1,2-3,5 g. There are in black tea, dried apricots, beans and sea kale.
  6. Iron . It takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, and it is also needed for immunity. The body should receive 10-15 mg per day. There are seafood, pork liver, sea cabbage and buckwheat.
  7. Zinc . It is necessary for the oxidation-reduction processes to proceed, and also it promotes the formation of insulin. Daily rate - 10-15 mg. There is it in oysters, bran, beef and nuts.