Excess of calcium in the body - symptoms

Calcium is a microelement necessary for the normal functioning of the body. He keeps in order the bones, hair, nails. The norm of calcium in the body is maintained by the balance of hormones: parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. If the balance is broken due to some illness or as a result of uncontrolled intake of calcium gluconate (as well as some other factors), there is an excess of calcium in the body, the symptoms of which will be discussed below.

Symptoms from the digestive tract

They are very diverse and not specific at all.

In most cases, an excess of calcium in the body causes constipation. It's not just an unpleasant thing. Constipation can cause pain, flatulence , digestive system diseases, intoxication. From the side of the digestive system, symptoms such as nausea (and even vomiting), lack of appetite, dry mouth may appear.

Other symptoms

Excess of calcium in the body symptoms may have and not related to the gastrointestinal tract. For example, a patient may experience dizziness or confusion, convulsions, depression. In severe cases, even a violation of the heart and kidneys up to insufficiency can be observed. Dehydration and other metabolic disorders are also a common symptom.

As a result of prolonged excess of normal calcium levels, such diseases and symptoms as kidney stones or calcium deposition on the vessel walls can become.


Since all the symptoms can indicate not only an overabundance of calcium, but also for other diseases, only a doctor can diagnose this disorder on the basis of a biochemical blood test. He will also prescribe the treatment in accordance with the established cause of the deviation.

But it is worth noting that the excess of calcium in the body - not quite good.